Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

What is an Education Health and Care Plan? (EHCPs)

An education, health and care (EHCEHCEducation, Health and Care) plan (often called an EHCPEHCPA legal document that describes a child or young person's special educational, health and social care needs. It explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life.) is for children and young people with special educational needs (SENSENSpecial Educational Needs is a term which refers to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age.) aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through SENSENSpecial Educational Needs is a term which refers to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. Support.

An EHCEHCEducation, Health and Care plan is a legal document that describes a child or young person's special educational, health and social care needs. It explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life.

In BCP Council we have a Graduated Response. This means that your child's early years setting, school or college will provide the right level of support to meet their special educational needs. The needs of most children and young people can be met in their current early years setting, school or college through quality first teaching (also known as universal support) or SENSENSpecial Educational Needs is a term which refers to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. support (also known as universal plus).  For more information see the I am worried about my child's learning and development

Only a small percentage of children and young people with SEND will require the support of an EHCPEHCPA legal document that describes a child or young person's special educational, health and social care needs. It explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life. (about 3%).

Watch a short video to find out more about EHCPs

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What is in an EHC Plan?

EHCPs include:

  • a description of a child or young person’s special educational needs
  • the views, interests and aspirations of the child or young person and their parents/carers
  • desired outcomes
  • the education, health and social care needs of the child or young person
  • education, health and social care provision to be put in place
  • the name and type of school or setting
  • details of any agreed personal budget
  • from Year 9 onwards the EHCP must include outcomes and provision for the young person to help them prepare for adulthood, such as support with training, finding a job and housing.

You can see what an EHCP looks like here:

EHCP Template (Word version)

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How do I get an EHC Plan for my child or young person?

EHC Plans can only be issued after a child or young person has had an Education, Health & Care (EHC) needs assessment.

Find out how to ask for an EHC needs assessment.

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When does an EHC Plan end?

An EHCP will end:

  • when the outcomes in the EHCP have all been met
  • at the end of the academic year in which the young person becomes 25
  • when the young person leaves education for full time employment
  • if the young person moves into higher education (HE)
  • if the child or young person leaves the country.

When a parent/carer and young person is advised that the EHCP is going to end they will be told about:

  • the support available from SENDiass4BCP
  • local disagreement resolution services
  • the right to appeal and time limits for appealing
  • the need to consider mediation if an appeal is made.
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What happens if a young person enters higher education?

An EHCP will continue into further education (FE) but will end if a young person enters higher education (HE).

The move to HE should be planned to make it as smooth as possible. A copy of the EHCP should be given to the HE institution once the place has been confirmed and the young person has given consent for it to be shared.

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) can be applied for to cover some of the extra course costs due to a mental health problem, long term illness or any other disability.

The special educational provision outlined in the plan will continue to be delivered up until the child or young person reaches 25 if they stay in education or training.

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