Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Parent/Carer Consultation (co-production)

January 2023 -We recently sent out a poll via the shared space on Teams and via email asking you if you preferred pictures or symbols on the front page - based on the results, we have decided to keep the tiles as symbols, but a never version.

January 2023 - During a workshop we discussed reducing some of the text on the front page to introduce an ‘updates banner’. Based on this discussion we have reduced the text and we are now able to add this to showcase regular updates.

July 2023 – BCP Council conducted our annual SEND survey in November 2022 and the report has been published showing the outcomes.  We would really appreciate if parents and carers could support us in the development of services by giving their views in the next SEND survey, which is coming out soon.