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If you need help for yourself, a family member or for someone else there are a range of services that can help.
If your concern is an emergency call 999 immediately.
Contact the Children's Services First Response MASH if you are worried a child or young person is at risk of, or is being hurt or abused.
Between the hours of 5pm to 9am Monday to Friday, Saturdays and bank holidays the Children’s Social Care Out of Hours service is the emergency response service for any child who is in crisis, needs urgent help or is at serious risk of significant harm. They can be contacted on 01202 123334 or email
In an emergency, or if you believe a child is at immediate risk of harm, call the police on 999.
If you know of or suspect child exploitation contact the Children's First Response MASH on 01202 735046 or email
You can also contact the Police on 101 or 01202 222222.
If you are a parent with any concerns that your child is being sexually exploited or is at risk, you can also call the parents against child exploitation (PACE) national support team on 0113 240 5226.
Visit the PACE website for further details of support available.
The NSPCC website also has useful information on child sexual exploitation
Information on child sexual abuse and support services in Dorset who can help.
Contact details for reporting concerns about the safety of an adult.
Sexual violence support from STARS.
Telephone helplines:
24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
24 hour Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Outreach: 01202 710777
24 hour Dorset County - You First: 0800 032 5204
Further information:
Domestic Abuse support information on GOV.UK
Domestic abuse helplines flyer.
The Parental Relationships Spectrum is a tool for professionals to help establish if a relationship is healthy, has conflict or is abusive.
How to report or raise concerns about potential radicalisation, terrorist and extremist behaviour
Help and advice from Dorset Police.
Our aim is for every child to be safe, healthy and to achieve the best possible outcomes. BCP Council Early Help teams aim to support children and young people in their learning and development at all stages of their lives through a locality-based approach that includes assessment and family support, early years services, school inclusion services, information advice and guidance to families and a broad range of learning, development and parenting programmes.
Early Help services are designed to be responsive and targeted to children, young people and families, providing the right help at the right time. Our teams are based within the community, working for the community, alongside children (pre-birth to age 19, or up to 25 if a young adult has identified Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities), their families, their support networks and our partners to overcome barriers, build resilience and to improve outcomes.
Click here for information on BCP Council Family Hubs, Outreach Centres and Children's Centres and our programme and Early Help Family Support Offer.
Find out more about BCP Council Early Help Teams.
Contact the Children's First Response MASH if you: