Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
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Museums, Libraries & Learning
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Museums, Libraries & Learning

Borrowing books is a great way to use your local library, but there's a lot more to libraries these days than just that. They also have a range of DVD's, music and magazines, book clubs and activities for children and young people.

The knowledge your child will walk away with is just another one of many benefits of taking your family to a museum.

Learning something new can open doors for you. It can help you to earn more money, get a better job or do something you really enjoy.

It can be a way to meet new people and have a bit of fun. Even if you were not very keen on learning when you were at school, we can help you find a course you'll enjoy now.

The Art of Ear Trumpet is an exhibition celebrating a decade-long live performance work, a multi-site piece, which has travelled both nationally and internationally. The work is inspired by the ...

Red House Museum & Gardens , Quay Road , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 1BU

10 years of The Art of Ear Trumpet at the Red House Museum Logo Image

01202 482860

The Big Top Doodle Room is a space to draw and doodle freely. Our unique Doodle Room is back, and this year we'll be inspired by the colours, sounds and ...

Red House Museum & Gardens , Quay Road , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 1BU

Big Top Doodle Room at the Red House Museum Logo Image

01202 482860

A charming Georgian building, built as a workhouse in 1764, now filled with a rich variety of displays and a regular and varied exhibition programme and activities for children, young ...

Red House Museum & Gardens , Quay Road , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 1BU

Red House Museum and Gardens Logo Image

01202 482860