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Only a short walk from Branksome Chine, this is a beautiful stretch of coast with soft, golden sands and a dramatic cliff face that towers over the promenade.
Branksome Dene car park has 135 spaces, with 8 disabled bays.
Timetables for buses to Branksome Dene from morebus.
The nearest train stations to Branksome Dene are Branksome (1.2 miles), Parkstone (2 miles) and Bournemouth (2.1 miles).
Cycling is allowed, but pedestrians have priority. Keep your speed below 10mph and follow seasonal restrictions in place for July and August on seafront promenades and paths to avoid on-the-spot fines.
Facilities at Branksome Dene
You can reach Branksome Dene beach by ramp.
Accessible public toilets at Branksome Dene Room, adjacent to first floor of car park and disabled parking spaces.
For prom level accessible toilets, visit Branksome Chine, 500m west or 650m east to Alum Chine.