Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Ashford, Mrs Jennifer Lucy

I have been childminding since 2002 and thoroughly enjoy caring for children of all ages. Providing a flexible childcare option is important to me and your family. Please come to my setting and meet me. We enjoy an active, packed week which includes messy play, parks and play areas, toddler groups, walks in the woods and Children's Centre, Farmer Palmer's, music and dance group and much more. We love playing in the garden and to inspire their imagination I have wooden stumps, balance foam beams, a wood mud/water kitchen, play house, artificial grass, threading and weaving fence and blackboards on the wall, creating lots of open ended play for the children. I have two children of my own, Danielle is 18 and James is 15 (2023). I have completed a Child Psychology Diploma Course; which I feel has been an asset to my childminding setting and I continue to enhance my understanding and knowledge about children and what is best for their development. In Sept 2018 I completed a 'counselling children and adolescents level 4 Diploma course' which is also supportive to children within my setting if needed.
View all details
Venue/Contact Details
01202 732130
07980 362451
BH12 3AE
See Journey Planner on the right-hand side of this page, where you can view bus, car and train routes from your location.
Childcare type
Provision type
  • Childminder
Overall limit on childcare numbers
Eligible to take 2, 3 & 4 year old entitlement
  • Accessible Toilet
  • Computers
  • Nappies Provided
  • Outdoor Play Area / Garden
  • Pets
  • Quiet Area
  • Refreshments / Snacks
  • Separate Sleeping Area
  • Visits and Outings
  • Sensory Room / Area
Times and Costs
Opening times:
Monday 07:30-18:00, Tuesday 07:30-18:00, Wednesday 07:30-18:00, Thursday 07:30-18:00
  • All Year Round
  • Overnight
Contact provider directly for costs
Other Costs:
Unable to provide term time only contracts. Costs for outings and trips. After school £13.00 3:00pm till 6:00pm each day mornings £6 (8am-9am). 1 weeks deposit required and used as your last weeks at the setting.
Ages, Booking Details and Referral Information
From 0 years to 10 years
Referral route:
  • Self Referral
Referral process:
  • Telephone, Email or text
Vacancies and School Pick Ups / Drop Offs
Immediate vacancies
Vacancy information
As from Sept 2025 2 x Mondays Tue Wed Thurs (1-4yrs)
Number of vacancies
School pick ups / drop offs
  • Courthill Infant School
Ofsted URN
Last Inspection Judgement
Last Inspection Date
Religious and Additional Needs Provision
Additional needs supported:
  • Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulty
  • Medical Condition, including Allergies
  • Social Communication Difficulty
  • Speech, Language & Communication Needs
  • Toileting & Hygiene
Languages spoken
  • English
Special dietary provision
Food to be provided by parents including special diets
SEND Local Offer SEND

Section 1 - How do you communicate with the parent/carer whose child has SEND?

  • 1a) How they can arrange a visit and/or see you in action?

During the working day whilst other children are present the parent(s) can come to visit me via email or phone call. I am available at a later date or time if they wish to contact me again and ask further questions once reading my information pack.


  • 1b) What are some of the things they will see to welcome them to your setting?

Happy and confident children already established at my setting. Experience of 16 years of childminding. Welcoming and friendly setting with the flexibility of an assistant. Open and easy accessible setting, all on one level.

  • 1c) What different ways do you use to communicate with parents?
    • day to day information
      • opportunities for regular contact with parents/carers about things that have happened during day
      • specific information about the child's learning
      • opportunities offered and available, additional to normal reporting arrangements,to discuss progress
      • how you inform parents/carers about the progress children should be making?
    • how do you share planned learning and how parents can support this? what strategies do you put in place to enable parents to support learning at home?
    • specific information regarding any changes to routines or staffing

Information is shared with parents through a daily diary/journal of their child's activities and routine, also talking to the parents when collecting their child each day. Regular contact through a secure secret 'Facebook' page to see photographs and daily activities with the children. Specific information about the individual child is recorded in the child's journal, assessments of language development through 'WellComm'. I share 'I can' activity cards, and provide them with links to further information relevant to their needs.

  • 1d) How can parents contribute or share ideas for you to consider to make communication with you more effective?

Through daily talking and journals parents can share their ideas and when needed a one-to-one meeting to discuss in depth their child's needs.

  • 1e) If the parent/carer is unhappy with your provision, what should they do?
    • how can parent/carers raise any concerns they have with you?
    • who can parents/carers talk to if they are worried?
    • who can children talk to if they are worried?
    • where should concerns or complaints be directed?

Talk to me either by meeting up or through phone communication or email. All policies are sent via email. See my complaints policy.


Section2-How will you help to settle the child into your setting?

  • 2a) State some of the things the parent/carer will see when their child first starts at your setting
    • how will the parent/carer be aware of the child's key worker?
    • how will they be aware of who else has a role in in the education of children with SEND?<
    • who is your SENCO or contact for parents/carers if they are considering whether their child should join the setting?

The parent shall be introduced to my assistant. I am the SENCo.


Section 3 - What help and support does your setting offer to SEND children to move rooms or move on to school?

The transition into school document and meeting with the school where the child intends to start.

  • 3a) How do you ensure the child is happy and learning as they move from room to room?
    • what strategies do you put in place?
    • what information is provided to parents/carers and children around moving rooms and/or settings?

To attend and support the child through each transition as much as possible.


  • 3b) How do you ensure the child remains happy and learning as they move from you on to another setting?
    • what preparation arrangements are in place prior to joining a new setting/school for children and parents/carers?
    • what information do you provide to the receiving setting/school?

The usual transition forms and Ecatgrid. Section 4 - How do you understand and discover how the child learns?

  • 4a) How do you measure the child's learning to try to discover any additional educational needs they might have?
    • how do you identify children with special educational needs?
    • how do you raise any concerns with parents/carers?
    • how do you manage the administration of medicines and provide personal care?
    • how do you enable children to share their views?

Using the EYFS tracker, Ecatgrid, WellComm document, observations and every day interaction, then discuss with relevant professionals for support and knowledge of how to support your child in the best way possible. Discussions with parents will take place at an appropriate private time and discuss whether the parents have any concerns themselves. Medicines are recorded and monitored by myself and personal care is respectfully carried out. Children are encouraged to share their views within a small group of children with an adult present to involve everyone's needs.

  • 4b) How will you make sure that what you are teaching meets the needs of the child?
    • who oversees and plans the next steps in learning for children with SEND?
    • who works with children with SEND and how often?
    • what are their roles?
    • how is learning tailored to children's needs?
    • how do you know how well children are doing?

I oversee the plans and learning for all children with SEND and if I require further support or advice I will speak to the children centre support workers and BCP to gain further advice moving forwards. I assess the children termly and acknowledge any progress as an ongoing development using 'what to expect when' document covering all EYFS areas of development.

  • 4c) How will you make sure that the child is having fun and enjoys learning through play?
    • what support can be accessed in partnership with the local authority?<
    • how do you monitor and ensure continued progress for children with SEND?
    • what emotional, social and personal support is available to all children as well as those with SEND?

Ensuring all children have access to open ended play of their choice, the opportunity to play alongside others and express themselves and beliefs openly and with adult support. Introduction to new and inspiring activities regularly to explore themselves. All children feel emotionally settled and have secure attachments to myself and Nanna (assistant) through settling in and providing a loving and caring environment for the children to feel confident and independent to express themselves.

  • 4d) Which experts and other professionals do you liaise with?
    • which other agencies do you consult?
    • how do you make decisions and on what basis?<
    • who else might be involved?
    • how can parents/carers and children contribute to this process?

BCPLA Early Learning and Inclusion Team Educational companies such as 'I can' 'Pacey' Children's Centre workers and support groups. Parents and carers can attend meeting at the Children's Centres and I pass on any relevant information that I gain from my meetings or discussions.

  • 4e) When some children need a higher level of SEND support how do you go about making sure they get the support they need?
    • outline your inclusive practice process and specify how you refer to other agencies: LA Early Learning &amp; Inclusion Team, Health Visiting Teams, Children's Centre, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, CDC, etc

When the time is needed I shall follow the flow chart and process of contacting the relevant agencies related to the child and parents. Ongoing discussions with professional workers to ensure the best outcome for each individual child.

  • 4f) How do you ensure that the views of parents/carers and children are included in this specialist work?

Meetings involving everyone involved in the child's welfare, encourage parents to give their views, offer support and advice to help the family plan and develop.


Section 5 - Inclusive Practice and SEND training and expertise within this organisation

  • 5a) What range of training and expertise do your staff have?
    • what SEND experience do they have?
    • what training or learning opportunities are available to parents/carers?
    • are there specialist staff in your team?
    • what are their roles and qualifications?

I have attended training for SEND within BCP. I have close communications with the Children's Centres. I have a Diploma Level 4 in child psychology, understanding attachment and emotional well being.

  • 5b) What are the ways in which you fully involve children with SEN and/or disabilities?
    • Indoor

Playroom: free play, table activities, quiet area, home corner, full range of toys and activities for all ages, games and books, craft and sensory play and much more.

    • Outdoor

Artificial grass covering the whole garden with soft balancing beams, toys, playhouse, balls, tents, sensory, wooden kitchen, hoops, sand pit and more.

    • Trips out of the setting

Farmer Palmer's, Moors Valley, Upton Country Park, Woodlands, Children's Centres, parks, beach, Monkey World, soft play indoor areas, music groups, skate parks, toddler groups, crabbing and more.


Are your staff DBS Approved?
Do you have a First Aid Policy?
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?
Recognised as:
  • 2 Year Old Early Education Provider
  • 30 Hours Free Childcare Provider
  • Tax Free Childcare Provider
  • 3 and 4 Year Old Early Education Provider