How do you communicate with the parent / carer whose child has SEND?
I communicate information in a variety of ways, I will use a method that suits individual families. For example – chats at drop off/collection times, emails, messages, daily diary.
How do you help children settle into your setting?
I offer all children two settling in sessions before they start at the setting. If children need more time or extra sessions this can also be accommodated. If children are struggling to settle I am happy to work with parents and arrange a staggered start and increase the hours if required.
What help and support does your setting offer to children with SEND as they move rooms or move on to school?
When children move on to another setting or school I will provide the new setting with a detailed transition form that details the child’s progress. I will also make contact with the new setting to provide detailed information that will help the child’s transition go smoothly.
How do you find out how each child likes to learn?
When a child starts at my setting I spend time getting to know them. This is done through play, outings and observations. I also ask parents to provide me with as much information about likes/dislikes so I am able to use these within the setting. I then use this information alongside the Development Matters guidance and my own professional judgment to determine how individual children learn and plan for these within the setting.
The children have access to all resources in the setting and are able to select activities that they wish to do. I will help children to develop their skills around their chosen activities.
Inclusive practice / SEND training and expertise within this organisation
I hold a BA Hons degree in Early Years. I have also completed some specific SEN training including Autism Awareness, Makaton and PEC – D. I have worked alongside specialist professionals to deliver programmes for individual children within my setting.