My SEND training includes: SENco Refresher (May 2017), Mental Health Awareness (May 2017), Common Assessment Framework (February 2017, November 2015), Basic Autism Awareness (February 2017), SLCF - speech, language, communication framework - Foundation Level (February 2017), SLCF Universal Level (February 2017), Practical Inclusion (January 2017, March 2014, February 2010), ENCO (March 2010) , The Role of the SENco (June 2014, November 2011), Working with Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (May 2014), Equalities Act & Vulnerable Groups (May 2012); I hold a Level 3 Award in Children and Young People's Speech, Language and Communication Skills 0-25 years and have completed 4 more training courses specializing in Speech, Language and Communication Needs. SEND PROVISION AT DAISY DOLLS - I work closely with the child and their family to ensure all their needs are met throughout their time in my setting. I liaise closely with outside agencies such as portage or SALT and other relevant health professionals. I use 'The Graduated Approach' to support the 4 areas of SEND - Communication and Interaction, Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Cognitive and Learning, and Sensory and/or Physical Needs. I discuss a child's needs, my observations and any proposed plans with the parents in a way that encourages them to contribute their knowledge and understanding of their child and allows them to raise any concerns they may have about their child's needs and the provision that is being made for them. Together we can decide if a referral is needed to a specific service. I would send supporting evidence to the relevant professionals, attend meetings and write Individual Learning Plans for the child. Please read my SEND Policy on my website. I will endeavour to do my very best to support you as a family and your child.