How do you communicate with the parent / carer whose child has SEND?
Either email or telephone to arrange a mutually convenient visit. My details are available on the Poole FIS website.
How do you help children settle into your setting?
Parents fill in a starting points form & come for regular settling in sessions.
What help and support does your setting offer to children with SEND as they move rooms or move on to school?
I would use my observations to fill out a transition form when the child moves onto another setting/school. The next setting keyworker/teacher is welcome to visit my home to see the child.
How do you find out how each child likes to learn?
All activities are adapted to suit each individual to gain the best they can from it. Observing the child through play.
Inclusive practice / SEND training and expertise within this organisation
I regularly attend training.
The information in this SEND Local Offer was completed on 24/05/2021