Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Rickard, Mrs Jill

I find looking after children highly rewarding. We do lots of stimulating things like attending regular music sessions, and visiting local beaches, farms, parks and community centres, messy play etc. Anywhere in fact we can all have fun! I provide a happy, warm and friendly environment, where your children can feel safe and secure. I encourage good behaviour, independence and self esteem. I provide equal opportunities, challenging discrimination and celebrating diversity. As I am fully accredited, I can offer your child 15 hours a week free funding from the term after their 3rd birthday. (The same offered by nurseries). I take childcare vouchers. You can get further details by visiting my website at but please do not hesitate to contact me directly on 07786 980125 if you require further information. I have loads of references which you may look at. Look forward to hearing from you. Jill
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Venue/Contact Details
Canford Heath
BH17 8QP
See Journey Planner on the right-hand side of this page, where you can view bus, car and train routes from your location.
Childcare type
Provision type
  • Childminder
Overall limit on childcare numbers
Eligible to take 2, 3 & 4 year old entitlement
  • Meals Provided
  • Nappies Provided
  • Outdoor Play Area / Garden
  • Separate Sleeping Area
  • Visits and Outings
  • Pets
  • Car Parking
  • Refreshments / Snacks
Times and Costs
Opening times:
Monday 07:30-18:00, Tuesday 07:30-18:00, Wednesday 07:30-18:00, Thursday 07:30-16:00
  • All Year Round
Contact provider directly for costs
Other Costs:
Can provide term time only or non term time contracts or both. Ad hoc care is available if i have a space.
Ages, Booking Details and Referral Information
From 0 years to 16 years
Referral route:
  • Self Referral
Referral process:
  • Initial contact should be made by telephone, E-mail ,text
Vacancies and School Pick Ups / Drop Offs
Immediate vacancies
Vacancy information
Please phone to see if I have any vacancies.
Number of vacancies
School pick ups / drop offs
  • Canford Heath Junior School
  • Longfleet CE Primary School
Ofsted URN
Last Inspection Judgement
Last Inspection Date
Religious and Additional Needs Provision
Additional needs supported:
  • Medical Condition, including Allergies
Languages spoken
  • English
Religious / cultural provision:
No strong religious ethos
Special dietary provision
Wheat free and Dairy free, but willing to do any other if your child needs it.
SEND Local Offer SEND

How do you communicate with the parent / carer whose child has SEND?

A parent can come to my house so we can talk face to face where there would be no other children here, and they can have a look around my house inside and outside. WhatsApp Phone E mail Team / Zoom Home learning bags Sharing ideas like: - caterpillars to butterflies frog spawn to Frogs etc Parent’s contribution – sponsored walk Refer to Policies and procedures in place. If a parent is unhappy with my provision, they can talk to me directly, and if this does not solve the problem, they can refer to my complaints policy/details of others involved in my setting. Speak to Lucy Stopford, Early years childcare advisor or Ofsted. There is a poster just inside my front door with their number on

How do you help children settle into your setting?

The child will do some settling in sessions. I will offer the parent if they would like to do a stay and play session first. Bring in something from home: - favourite blanket, toy, if they have a favourite song, I will download it for them. Find out what the child likes to play with.

What help and support does your setting offer to children with SEND as they move rooms or move on to school?

As a childminding setting, we use one room We communicate with parents about child’s interests and abilities and any challenges they have etc and plan for the child’s stage/not age to support their learning, interests and next steps. Activities are adapted to suit a child’s differing needs and abilities and consideration to how the room is laid out/how the activities are set up/each child’s need for individual adult support, and the resources used to ensure that all children can participate, enjoy and succeed.

Trackers and SEN support plans are used to monitor progress and to ensure that each child is enjoying and achieving. I have a visual book that I have made for the children. Good routines help the children I use Wiggly fingers as an indication that play is coming to an end. I fill out a school transition form, trackers, and any other paperwork I have that I can share with the school. Will take the child to see the school

How do you find out how each child likes to learn?

My assistant and I would do ongoing observation which would be shared with parents and any other professionals. Talking and working with parents and finding out what there child likes and dislikes. Home learning projects Follow COEL SMART targets (small, measured, achievable, realistic targets. 27-month progress check Signpost parents to the children’s hub. Parental consent would be obtained for advice for a specific child and further support can be sought from the ELIT– Early Learning and Inclusion Team using GR (Graduated Response) forms. An EY Area SENCO will visit the child in the setting to observe and give support and advice for supporting the child to progress. Childminders, in addition to other Healthcare agencies, can refer a child for SALT (Speech & Language Therapy).

Inclusive practice / SEND training and expertise within this organisation

I have done: - Level 3 EY Childcare Qualifications SEND, Signalong,, Behaviour Management, self-regulation I have experience in ADHD, Asperges Autism, Gross and fine motor skills

The information in this SEND Local Offer was completed on 21/05/2021.

Are your staff DBS Approved?
Do you have a First Aid Policy?
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?
Recognised as:
  • 2 Year Old Early Education Provider
  • 30 Hours Free Childcare Provider
  • Tax Free Childcare Provider
  • 3 and 4 Year Old Early Education Provider