Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Terry, Mrs Linda

My daughter and I are registered Childminders and offer a friendly family environment, together with my husband who has also registered as our assistant. Between us we have lots of experience working with children from a variety of backgrounds as we have fostered for many years and my daughter has worked in a local nursery and is a qualified to teach baby massage. We are very active and go out daily to a variety of places including local farms, parks, beaches, children's centres and the library etc. I am an accredited childminder which enables me to offer 15/30 hours funding for 2, 3 &4year olds.
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Venue/Contact Details
01202 716128
07738 962794
BH12 4NL
See Journey Planner on the right-hand side of this page, where you can view bus, car and train routes from your location.
Childcare type
Provision type
  • Childminder
Overall limit on childcare numbers
Eligible to take 2, 3 & 4 year old entitlement
  • Car Parking
  • Meals Provided
  • Computers
  • Nappies Provided
  • Outdoor Play Area / Garden
  • Pets
  • Separate Sleeping Area
  • Visits and Outings
  • Accessible Toilet
  • Disabled Car Parking
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Refreshments / Snacks
Times and Costs
Opening times:
Monday 08:00-17:30, Tuesday 08:00-17:30, Wednesday 08:00-17:30, Thursday 08:00-17:30, Friday 08:00-17:30
  • Overnight
  • All Year Round
Contact provider directly for costs
Other Costs:
Can provide term time only contracts.
Ages, Booking Details and Referral Information
From 0 years to 11 years
Referral route:
  • Self Referral
Vacancies and School Pick Ups / Drop Offs
Immediate vacancies
Vacancy information
As of May 2024: 1 x Monday (U1) 1 x Monday (1-4yrs) 1 x Thursday (U1) 1 x Thursday (1-4yrs)
Number of vacancies
School pick ups / drop offs
  • St Mark's CE Aided Primary School
Ofsted URN
Last Inspection Judgement
Last Inspection Date
Religious and Additional Needs Provision
Additional needs supported:
  • Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulty
  • Toileting & Hygiene
Languages spoken
  • English
SEND Local Offer SEND

Section 1 - How do you communicate with the parent/carer whose child has SEND?

1a) How they can arrange a visit and/or see you in action?

Anyone can arrange a visit by contacting us by phone, text or email.

1b) What are some of the things they will see to welcome them to your setting? When visiting our setting you will see we offer a friendly home environment with a variety of resources which cater for a range of ages/abilities. We also have a lovely secure garden with the opportunity for children to take part in a range of activities

1c) What different ways do you use to communicate with parents?

We like to build good/positive relationships with parents to support child's learning through daily communications - drop off and pick up times are when we share most information. We use a secure online program called BabyDays to share photos/learning/development.

1d) How can parents contribute or share ideas for you to consider to make communication with you more effective?

We encourage the sharing of information daily and as part of our working in partnership with parents we are always open to suggestions/ideas to improve our service.

1e) If the parent/carer is unhappy with your provision, what should they do?

Firstly, if possible, the parent should discuss any issues/concerns with us. All parents have a copy of our complaints policy, and we would remind them of the procedures to follow.

Section 2 - How will you help to settle the child into your setting?

2a) State some of the things the parent/carer will see when their child first starts at your setting

We encourage parents to give us as much information as possible about their child to help the child settle as quickly as possible; this includes things like child routines, favourite toys/comforts/foods, likes/dislikes. Any behaviour strategies/triggers we need to be aware of. We will have regular contact with the parent on the first few sessions to re-assure the parent.

Section 3 - What help and support does your setting offer to SEND children to move rooms or move on to school?

We use transition to school forms/trackers and arrange for a many school visits as needed to ensure a smooth transition

3a) How do you ensure the child is happy and learning as they move from room to room?

At the beginning of the day we talk to the children (and parents at drop off time) about the activities we are going to do and any groups we are going to attend. We involve all children and give them the opportunity to express their views/experiences. This re-assures the new child about what is going to happen. We will then remind the children shortly before we do the activity/outing.

3b) How do you ensure the child remains happy and learning as they move from you on to another setting?

For transition to school we use transition to school forms/trackers and arrange for a many school visits as needed to ensure a smooth transition. When a child moves to another setting, with parents’ permission we would have a discussion with the new setting and pass on all the relevant paperwork In all cases we would talk through the changes with the child/parents to ensure the child has a good understanding of the changes ahead.

Section 4 - How do you understand and discover how the child learns?

4a) How do you measure the child’s learning to try to discover any additional educational needs they might have?

We identify if the child needs extra help with learning through observations, progress trackers, ECAT forms and working with parents and any agencies that are involved.

4b) How will you make sure that what you are teaching meets the needs of the child?

We will plan for the child's learning and development with regard to their stage (not age). With regard to next steps, we will adapt activities accordingly taking into account the child's SEND needs. We know how well the child is doing through observations and trackers - we use SMART targets (Small Measured Achievable Realistic Targets)

4c) How will you make sure that the child is having fun and enjoys learning through play?

We have good relationships with parents and any other agencies that may be involved and by working together we can adapt the child's learning to optimise their development.

4d) Which experts and other professionals do you liaise with?

We liaise with our Childcare Officer

We signpost parents to their local Children's Centre/Early Years Team

We liaise with Health Visitors

We would get more specific advice from Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and any other agencies involved.

4e) When some children need a higher level of SEND support how do you go about making sure they get the support they need?

We assess the child's needs and work in partnership with the appropriate agencies/professionals and parents.

4f) How do you ensure that the views of parents/carers and children are included in this specialist work?

We communicate with parents daily, either verbally, written or both and encourage two way dialogue which enables us to share both positive and negative behaviours/development, and strategies, this in turn enables continuity for the child.

Section 5 - Inclusive Practice and SEND training and expertise within this organisation

5a) What range of training and expertise do your staff have?

Both Linda & Katherine have attended various training, some of which are listed below

SEND and inclusion

Emotional development

Behaviour management

Mental health first aid

Relationships R Us


Training is on-going via CPD and we would be happy to access specialist training if needed.

5b) What are the ways in which you fully involve children with SEN and/or disabilities?

  • Indoor

We are a fully inclusive setting and offer age/development appropriate resources/activities

  • Outdoor

We are a fully inclusive setting and offer age/development appropriate resources/activities

  • Trips out of the setting

We risk assess and plan activities prior to trips - this includes visiting new environments prior to outings and making sure appropriate resources and equipment are available.

Are your staff DBS Approved?
Do you have a First Aid Policy?
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?
Recognised as:
  • 2 Year Old Early Education Provider
  • 30 Hours Free Childcare Provider
  • Tax Free Childcare Provider
  • 3 and 4 Year Old Early Education Provider