Section 1 - How do you communicate with the parent/carer whose child has SEND?
1a) How they can arrange a visit and/or see you in action?
They can arrange a visit and see me in action any time. Parents know they can approach me any time.
1b) What are some of the things they will see to welcome them to your setting?
I offer a settling in period, parents are welcome to stay for these sessions. These sessions are intended to be gentle introductions into the setting to get to know me the other children and the new environment.
1c) What different ways do you use to communicate with parents?
At the end of each day I have an informal chat with the parents and if need to offer to arrange a meeting at a convenient time to us both. I also suggest activities for parents to do at home with their child. Share planned learning through packs of challenging activities games and puzzles made up into folders for parents to take home. If a child is not making progress I would talk to the parents and seek advice from other professionals or the local children’s centre and family information centre, parents would be fully involved. Informing parents about their progress is shared through the child’s learning journals.
1d) How can parents contribute or share ideas for you to consider to make communication with you more effective?
I welcome input from parents into how I can improve my setting and make necessary changes accordingly to ensure your child’s individual needs are met where possible. This is continual process and will adapt with the children.
1e) If the parent/carer is unhappy with your provision, what should they do?
I am always happy to discuss a child’s progress, care or concerns with the parents. Parents can contact the BCP Council if they have any concerns. Children can talk to myself if they are worried. Complaints to be directed to Ofsted. Parents have full access to my policies and have all received copies of them
Section 2 - How will you help to settle the child into your setting?
2a) State some of the things the parent/carer will see when their child first starts at your setting
I help the child settle in by talking to the parents on their likes and dislikes. I also have a questionnaire asking questions about their child so this gives me something to work on i.e. nap times, eating routines, favourite activities. Also go through a tracker form with the parent to find out where the child is currently at in the EYFS
Section 3 - What help and support does your setting offer to SEND children to move rooms or move on to school?
Transition arrangements will be carefully planned to meet the needs of the individual child. I will provide a transition report and work with new settings and parents or carers to ensure your child is prepared for this transition
3a) How do you ensure the child is happy and learning as they move from room to room?
I ensure children are happy in their learning by letting them have access to toys so they can pick their own and explore their learning and access to outdoors to explore their exploratory side help them to find joy in everyday things and cultivate fun
3b) How do you ensure the child remains happy and learning as they move from you on to another setting?
When a child starts a new setting or school I provide them with relevant information, alongside a copy of the most up to date progress check to help them along the way
Section 4 - How do you understand and discover how the child learns?
4a) How do you measure the child’s learning to try to discover any additional educational needs they might have?
4b) How will you make sure that what you are teaching meets the needs of the child?
- who oversees and plans the next steps in learning for children with SEND?
- who works with children with SEND and how often?
- what are their roles?
- how is learning tailored to children’s needs?
- how do you know how well children are doing?
Children develop at their own rates, and their own ways and have their own individual needs. I plan activities and experiences that will follow your child’s interests and build on the skills they have. They will have a leaning journal this will contain written observations, photographs and samples of your child’s work to support assessments and planning to help your child progress to their next steps in learning. Parents contribute to the planning by letting me know about their child’s new skills or new interests at home. I will make sure that the environment, routines and activities support your child’s needs
4c) How will you make sure that the child is having fun and enjoys learning through play?
what support can be accessed in partnership with the local authority?
- how do you monitor and ensure continued progress for children with SEND?
what emotional, social and personal support is available to all children as well as those with SEND?
I make sure of this by singing, dancing, clapping games, role play, open ended activities such as sand and water play, being imaginative acting out different roles. Making choices for themselves
4d) Which experts and other professionals do you liaise with?
- which other agencies do you consult?
- how do you make decisions and on what basis?
- who else might be involved?
- how can parents/carers and children contribute to this process?
Family Information Service
BCP Council.
By doing their learning journals and trackers I can identify any problems and have a discussion with the parents. Medicine is administered only with the signed permission of the parent. Children are always taught to talk to me if need to and feel comfortable talking to me
4e) When some children need a higher level of SEND support how do you go about making sure they get the support they need?
outline your inclusive practice process and specify how you refer to other agencies: LA Early Learning & Inclusion Team, Health Visiting Teams, Children’s Centre, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, CDC, etc
By contacting the BCP council for support, help and advice.
4f) How do you ensure that the views of parents/carers and children are included in this specialist work?
I ensure this by always talking to parents first making sure they are fully aware of all things that are going on. And they are consulted on all matters.
Section 5 - Inclusive Practice and SEND training and expertise within this organisation
5a) What range of training and expertise do your staff have?
what SEND experience do they have?
what training or learning opportunities are available to parents/carers?
are there specialist staff in your team?
what are their roles and qualifications?
Have attended courses through the BCP Council.
5b) What are the ways in which you fully involve children with SEN and/or disabilities?
I have a downstairs toilet, all toys are accessible and at low level all boxes clearly labelled with pictures and words
I have a large outside area which has a decked area and grass have a mud kitchen potting station all with easy access. Playhouses and sand pit all with easy access
Regular outings are planned with other childminders in the local community and further afield when considering an outing I take into account how many children are present, their individual needs, how I transport them i.e. seating in car, pushchairs. Outings are risk assessed before undertaken.