Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Broadstone Christian Nursery Ltd

A small well established nursery that provides an outstanding care and learning environment for all children in the centre of Broadstone. Children thrive with the care, nurturing and support of well experienced, qualified and motivated staff. Individual child centred learning. Excellent range of resources for indoors and outdoors to stimulate and involve all children. All children are welcome and individual needs met. Ofsted inspection Outstanding December 2009 and 2015. Ofsted Inspected in January 2022 Good with Outstanding Behaviour and Attitudes Well experienced, qualified, motivated staff team. Nursery operates a good free flow system maximising the well planned outdoor learning environment.
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Venue/Contact Details
161 Lower Blandford Road
161 Lower Blandford Road
BH18 8NU
See Journey Planner on right-hand side of this page, where you can view bus, car, and train routes from your location.
Childcare type
Day Nursery
Provision type
  • Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Overall limit on childcare numbers
Eligible to take 2, 3 & 4 year old entitlement
  • Car Parking
  • Meals Provided
  • Computers
  • Homework Help
  • Nappies Provided
  • Outdoor Play Area / Garden
  • Quiet Area
  • Visits and Outings
  • Accessible Toilet
  • Disabled Car Parking
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Refreshments / Snacks
Times and Costs
Opening times:
Monday 08:00-18:00, Tuesday 08:00-18:00, Wednesday 08:00-18:00, Thursday 08:00-18:00, Friday 08:00-18:00
  • All Year Round
Contact provider directly for costs
Other Costs:
Hot lunches available from Monday to Friday at a small additional charge £3.50 for two courses. Can provide term time only as well as all year round cover. Funded half day session are available from 12.30pm - 16.00pm Wrap around care is available from 8:00 - 8:30am lunch 12:00pm - 12:30pm and 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Contact the provider for more information on fees.
Ages, Booking Details and Referral Information
From 2 years to 8 years
Referral route:
  • Self Referral
Referral process:
  • contact the provider
Vacancies and School Pick Ups / Drop Offs
Vacancy information
Contact the provider bookings now being taken for 2024/2025 and 2025/2026
Number of vacancies
School pick ups / drop offs
  • Broadstone First School
Ofsted URN
Last Inspection Judgement
Last Inspection Date
Religious and Additional Needs Provision
Additional needs supported:
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulty
  • Eating Or Drinking
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Learning Difficulty
  • Medical Condition, including Allergies
  • Social Communication Difficulty
  • Speech, Language & Communication Needs
  • Toileting & Hygiene
  • Visual Impairment
Languages spoken
  • Chinese (Mandarin/Putonghua)
  • French
  • German
Religious / cultural provision:
We are a Christian Nursery but all are welcome to attend
Special dietary provision
Vegetarian, Diabetic, Wheat free, Gluten free, Sugar free, Lactose free, Kosher, Halal and Dairy free
SEND Local Offer SEND

What systems and strategies do you have in place to identify children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)?

At Broadstone Christian Nursery we have a settling procedure where the Key Person can get to know the child and the parents can share information. The parents complete a form 'What my child likes' giving us an overview of the child's likes/dislikes, strengths and any concerns they may have about their child. We also explain about the Development Review and 2 year olds checks and how we work with the Health Visitors. The Health Visitors report may also identify concerns or a child's individual needs. The Senco will work alongside the child's Key person and family taking into account a graduated approach to working with children with emerging concerns. After observations and assessments have been carried out to ascertain what support the child may need an Individual action plan with clear targets will be put together and agreed in conjunction with the parents, Key Person and Senco. These are linked to the Early Years Foundations Stage Development Matters, Characteristics of Learning.

How will you support my child? How will you communicate effectively with me?

Here we believe that parents and practitioners need to work together in a close partnership in order for children to receive the quality of care and early learning to meet their individual needs. We acknowledge that parents are the child's first and most important educators. Every child has a Key person who is able to identify a child's next steps when planning and will highlight to the Senco any concerns who will carry out additional observations before arranging a meeting with the parents. These meetings are documented and signed by all. Parents can talk to the Key Person on a day to day basis when dropping off their child or speak to the Manager/Senco. All discussions are treated in confidence.

How will the teaching and learning be matched to my child's needs?

A report is written every six weeks by a child's key Person for their All about me book identifying achievements and areas for development across the Early Years Statutory Framework along with ideas for activities for parents to do at home to support their child's learning. Parents inform us of their child's interests which can often change. They are also given the opportunity to add comments and concerns. Home link folders are available for all parents to access. Workshops for parents are held throughout the years ie stages of mark making giving parents a better understanding of the process and development stages of writing. Parents evenings are held twice a year where staff explain where their child is on the framework and discuss the child's progress. A form is completed taking into account any comments the parents and actions are agreed if necessary.

How will you know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child's learning?

Each Key Person prepares every six weeks a report for all their key children based on a cycle of plan, do and assess. Staff evaluate the child's progress and identify next steps. This is shared every six weeks with parents as well as on a day to day basis.

What support will you provide for my child's overall wellbeing?

Parents are able to contribute to our wow boards and write on a star something their child has achieved at home. These are shared with all children and staff giving positive praise to the child.Timeline of the day is on the wall to help explain to children what comes next. Children are supported with verbal reassurance about the routine eg one more snack. The nursery provides individual photo books for children who need support at coming into nursery and the routine. These are shared at home. Photo book from home to encourage children to come in and talk about what they've being doing when not at nursery building up self confidence and language skills. Text and phone calls to parents to reassure them their child has settled and is happy as we feel that parents too need to be reassured and confident in the knowledge their child is happy.

What specialist services and expertise are available?

NDNA Senco Consultant, Health Visitors, Nursery Nurses attached to Dr's surgeries, SALT (Speech and Language Therapists), OT (Occupational Therapist) Physio, Local Authority Inclusion Team, Portage, Area Senco, Children's Centre's, Paediatricians, Educational Psychologist, Child Development Centre, Hearing and Vision Support services,

What training do you have or are you receiving to support children with SEND?

The Senco and / or other members of staff attend the termly Inclusion Network meetings and cascade the information and updates back to all staff at the following staff meetings. Staff attend local and national training as well as accreditation line training on Speech and Language, Leuven scales - a child's well being and involvement, Autism, Behaviour Management, PEHA (Poole Early Help Assessment) Mental Health, Moving and Handling. Staff will attend any training that will help support an individual child's specific needs.

 How will you include my child in activities outside the setting, including trips?

All children are included in any outings or visits. Full detailed documented risk assessments are carried out prior to the activity. Additional staff will be brought in if required. Written permission is also sought from parents. Parents may also volunteer to help.

How accessible and welcoming is your setting?

Broadstone Christian Nursery is a small unique nursery based in a purpose built extension adjacent to the proprietor's home. It is a compact play room with toilet facilities. Access is available to the room via one small step and there are steps to the quiet area in the main room. Unfortunately due to the size and constraints of the indoor environment we are unable to accommodate wheelchairs. Children have continuous access to outdoor play facilities that are securely fenced and laid to paving and safety bark with a range of large scale equipment. It is an Inclusive nursery and welcoming to all children. The nursery will, make reasonable adjustments to meet all children's needs within the constraints of the building. Tables are adjustable. Resources are available on shelves for all children to access independently. Around the room words are displayed in different languages, A time line is displayed to help children settle into the nursery routine and reassure them.

How will you prepare and support my child to join the setting or to transfer to another setting/school?

Transition meetings are arranged with the local schools to discuss the children and support that they may need. Visit to schools and other settings are arranged. School transition reports are completed by the individual child's key person and shared with parents who are also encouraged to add their comments. Where needed a TACT (team around the child) meeting will be held with all Professionals involved with the child's development.

Activities - role play with school uniforms, Dvd Going to school will be shared with children and also available for parents to borrow in the home link box as well as stories to help prepare children. We use and share with parents the Preparing me for my Reception Class at School leaflet.How much support will my child receive and how are decisions made? We follow the graduated approach for identifying,assessing and responding to a child's individual needs. Staff discuss with parents how their child will be supported ie small groups for Spirals, 1:1 support. Decisions will be taken with parents once evidence has been collated whether external agencies should be contacted for advice and support identifying clear reasons as to why. Who can I contact for further information about my child? The child's Key person is the first contact for the parents as they will have a day to day knowledge about the child. As a small nursery all practitioners including the Manager/Senco have a good knowledge about each child. Parents can speak to anyone of the team at any time. All practitioners work together as a team to support all children. Input from all staff is invaluable in order to gain a holistic picture of the child.

What can I do if I'm not happy with your provision for my child?

A copy of our complaints procedure is on display alongside forms for parents to complete. Ofsted complaints procedure and contact details are also clearly on display. Parents are encouraged to speak to their child's Key Person or senior member of staff about their concerns. The Manager will spend time there and then in a quiet room discussing the concerns or telephone the parent to arrange a meeting. These meeting s are documented and signed by both parties. Actions and investigations agreed and a feedback meeting arranged. The Manager will then investigate the concerns within 7 days

How can I arrange a visit to your setting? What is involved?

Prospective parents/carers can contact the nursery via the website, phone or email to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit. The Manager or Deputy will show people round giving an overview of the day, Key person system, support for individual children explaining how inclusive our practice is, times, availability and Government free entitlement and answer any questions they may have. An information pack will be given out. Prospective parents/Carer's will be advised to contact us should they have any questions or would like to come back for a second visit. Places cannot be held unless the registration form and retainer is returned. Confirmation in writing will then be sent. Settling in sessions are explained and how these may differ as some children may need longer to settle than others and how important it is to get a child's first steps into a setting as positive an experience as possible.

Are your staff DBS Approved?
Do you have a First Aid Policy?
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?
Recognised as:
  • 2 Year Old Early Education Provider
  • 30 Hours Free Childcare Provider
  • Tax Free Childcare Provider
  • 3 and 4 Year Old Early Education Provider