Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Cuddles Day Nursery Parkstone

Cuddles pride themselves in achieving high levels of qualifications and expertise within our staff and understand that a parent's role is by far the hardest job there is. Through strong partnerships with our parents we aim to provide the children that we care for with the skills and self - esteem needed to reach their full potential, whatever their age or stage of development. It has been proven that a positive experience in the early years has a major impact on a child's future life chances and successes. A happy childhood is important to ensure that foundations are laid for them to become confident individuals with a positive attitude to learning. The nursery has facilities for children from 0-4 years where the children are cared for in specific age groups. The 0-2 years are cared for in the Baby Unit, the 2-3 year olds are cared for in the Little Hoots room where the 2 year free 15 hour care can be taken for those parents who fit the criteria. The Wily room offers pre-school care for the 3-4 year olds where the 15 hour free entitlement can be used. We also offer term-time only care in the pre-school room. This room is term-time only which coincides within the BCP Council's school dates. The room provides care and education to children from 3 years upwards until they leave to enter school. Just like the nursery pre-school room, activities are provided to help get the children ready for school and inspire them to an avid curiosity and enthusiasm for learning new skills. This room operate from 9.00am - 3.00pm daily and the 15/30 hour free entitlement is able to be used in this room. There are various sessions available to accommodate parents including a morning or afternoon session. We also offer holiday club sessions for school age children.
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Venue/Contact Details
Herbert Avenue
Herbert Avenue
BH12 4HR
See Journey Planner on right-hand side of this page, where you can view bus, car, and train routes from your location.
Childcare type
Day Nursery
Provision type
  • Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Overall limit on childcare numbers
Eligible to take 2, 3 & 4 year old entitlement
Times and Costs
Opening times:
Monday 07:45-18:00, Tuesday 07:45-18:00, Wednesday 07:45-18:00, Thursday 07:45-18:00, Friday 07:45-18:00
  • All Year Round
  • School Holiday Only
Contact provider directly for costs
Other Costs:
Please ask about sessions and rates. Pre School hours - 9:00am - 3:00pm. Please arrange a visit where you can view our facilities.
Ages, Booking Details and Referral Information
From 0 years to 14 years
Referral route:
  • Self Referral
Referral process:
  • Please phone, visit, completion of paperwork and deposit
Vacancies and School Pick Ups / Drop Offs
Vacancy information
Limited Availability in 2year old room. Limited availability in our term time only rooms (3 & 4 year old rooms)
Number of vacancies
Ofsted URN
Last Inspection Judgement
Last Inspection Date
Religious and Additional Needs Provision
Additional needs supported:
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulty
  • Eating Or Drinking
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Learning Difficulty
  • Medical Condition, including Allergies
  • Social Communication Difficulty
  • Speech, Language & Communication Needs
  • Visual Impairment
Languages spoken
  • English
Religious / cultural provision:
No strong religious ethos
Special dietary provision
All allergies catered for including but not limited to the following; vegetarian, diabetic, wheat free, gluten free, sugar free, lactose free, kosher, halal, dairy free, Vegan.
SEND Local Offer SEND

Section 1 - How do you communicate with the parent/carer whose child has SEND?

1a) How they can arrange a visit and/or see you in action?

Ring the nursery and make an appointment. Details to get the nursery to ring you back may be left on Facebook message, day nurseries website and the nursery website.

1b) What are some of the things they will see to welcome them to your setting?

The main door is locked and parents are greeted by a staff member on entry. The doorbell is situated in the foyer.

1c) What different ways do you use to communicate with parents?

  • Whose job is it to share day to day information and how is this information shared?

The staff give a verbal handover to every parent on arrival and collection. The older children’s rooms have a white board with the information on of activities they have enjoyed. Children in the Baby Unit receive a book with written information in on their child’s day.

  • What opportunities are available for regular contact with parents/carers about things that have happened during the day?

Staff will speak to the parents daily and raise any issues as they arise. Cuddles has a system in place called ‘My learning book’ which allows staff to track children and share special moments with parents. Parents will be given a password and private log in which allows them to add their own ‘Keepsake comments’ and photos.

  • opportunities offered and available, additional to normal reporting arrangements, to discuss progress

Parents can request a meeting with a staff member whenever they feel they need it.

  • how you inform parents/carers about the progress children should be making?

Parent’s evenings are offered twice a year. Staff discuss with parents any issues as they arise.

  • how do you share planned learning and how can parents support this?

The nursery issues next steps pages every term for parents to see the goals the nursery are working on. Parents are encouraged to work on the next steps.

  • what strategies do you put in place to enable parents to support learning at home?

Parents are invited to parents evening and are able to add “keep sake” comments to their child’s learning book as well as work alongside staff with their childs next steps

  • How do you provide parent/carers with specific information regarding any changes to routines or staffing?

The manager and team leaders work together to ensure routines and needs are met. This is shared through newsletters; letters and emails.

1d) How can parents contribute or share ideas for you to consider to make communication with you more effective?

Please contact the nursery manager or the room Team Leader who are happy to help. We also issue anonymous Parental surveys yearly.

1e) If the parent/carer is unhappy with your provision, what should they do?

The nurseries policies and procedures are accessible throughout the week from each nurseries front entrance. Parents are also made aware of the complaints procedures at their settling sessions when their child starts; this is done at the settling session alongside a written document that the parent takes home called the welcome pack.

Parents are advised that if they have any issues or concerns they are welcome to seek advice or support from any of the staff within their team (eg key person or Team Leader) or seek out a senior member of the management team (wearing purple). We are happy for parents to raise their concerns via writing/email or in person. If a child is upset or has any concerns they are encouraged to speak to their staff/key person or if they have fed back to their parent we are happy to work alongside the parent/carer to resolve this.

Section 2 - How will you help to settle the child into your setting?

2a) State some of the things the parent/carer will see when their child first starts at your setting.

  • how will the parent/carer be aware of the child’s key worker?

When the child and carer/parent attend their first settle they will meet their child’s key person.

  • how will they be aware of who else has a role in in the education of children with SEND?

If needed a TAC (Team Around the Child) meeting can held at Cuddles; inviting any professionals needed. The nursery SENco will attend these meetings when needed and will introduce herself to these families.

  • who is your SENCO or contact for parents/carers if they are considering whether their child should join the setting?

Our SENCO is Jennifer Stainer

Section 3 - What help and support does your setting offer to SEND children to move rooms or move on to school?

Staff will attend any transition meeting that they are invited to with the Parent, Key Person and SENCO. Transition paperwork will be completed and handed over to the relevant people.

3a) How do you ensure the child is happy and learning as they move from room to room?

A “moving up” letter explaining which room they will be moving into next and any changes in nursery life that may occur; is given to the parents before the child changes room. The child will have settles in the new room to ensure they are settled.

3b) How do you ensure the child remains happy and learning as they move from you on to another setting?

Schools are encouraged to come into the setting where possible to meet the child before they move onto school. Staff will attend any transition meeting that they are invited to with the Parent, Key Person and SENCO. Transition paperwork will be completed and handed over to the relevant people.

Section 4 - How do you understand and discover how the child learns?

4a) How do you measure the child’s learning to try to discover any additional educational needs they might have?

  • how do you identify children with special educational needs?

Staff use audits to look at the child’s strengths and weaknesses, staff with the support of the SENCO will personalise this child’s learning to improve upon the areas of weakness.

  • how do you raise any concerns with parents/carers?

If a child’s weaknesses do not make a significant improvement the parent will be asked to complete relevant forms and guidance will be sought from the Local Authority. The parent will be kept informed each step along the way

  • how do you manage the administration of medicines and provide personal care?

At Cuddles only Team Leaders are allowed to give any form of medication and should any specific personal care be needed staff are happy to undertake any relevant training.

  • how do you enable children to share their views?

Throughout this Children are encouraged to share their views, concerns or needs.

4b) How will you make sure that what you are teaching meets the needs of the child?

The person who knows the child best (Key Person) will oversee the child’s next steps and learning with input from our SENCO. All of the staff will support the children with SEN within our rooms but the child’s Key Person will offer the most support alongside the other staff within their team. When planning staff will ensure all of the recourses and apparatus are accessible to all of the children within their care. SEN support plans will be implemented when needed. Staff use audits to look at the child’s strengths and weaknesses, staff with the support of the SENCO will personalise this child’s learning to improve upon the areas of weakness. If a child’s weaknesses do not make a significant improvement the parent will be asked to complete relevant forms and guidance will be sought from the Local Authority. The parent will be kept informed each step along the way.

4c) How will you make sure that the child is having fun and enjoys learning through play?

Personalised SEN support plans are drawn up using recommendations from the Local Authority. These are updated and evaluated every 6 weeks. If Portage are involved they will be involved in goal setting. Derbyshire’s are used to track the children and these are used to plan as well. Children are all supported as individuals in a learning through play environment.

4d) Which experts and other professionals do you liaise with?

The SENCO will liaise with all agencies supporting the child. Agencies are invited into the setting and we will share information and take advice. Parents are invited to the SEN support meetings and will be asked what goal they would like to support the family life.

4e) When some children need a higher level of SEND support how do you go about making sure they get the support they need?

  • outline your inclusive practice process and specify how you refer to other agencies: LA Early Learning & Inclusion Team, Health Visiting Teams, Children’s Centre, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, CDC, etc

The SENCO will refer to the Local Authority for advice and complete the relevant form with the parent. The SENCO will refer to Speech and Language Therapy if needed. Staff will work with the parent and contact the health visitor to make more referrals to the community Paediatrician if needed.

4f) How do you ensure that the views of parents/carers and children are included in this specialist work?

All children are encouraged to make choices in their play, visual photos of toys are displayed for children to be able to select a toy. Parents are consulted daily on drop offs and collections and invited to SEN support plan meetings.

Section 5 - Inclusive Practice and SEND training and expertise within this organisation

5a) What range of training and expertise do your staff have?

All staff have had an introduction to Portage training session. Many staff have been on a sign language course for sign a long. The SENCO has done the Borough of Poole SENCO course. 1 other staff member attended the Borough of Poole long pathway to become a SENCO. The training co-ordinator will try to source training as the need arises.

5b) What are the ways in which you fully involve children with SEN and/or disabilities?

  • Indoors - the nursery will adapt the furniture indoors as needed for the specific child. The nursery has wheelchair access and a disable toilet. Staff will use any equipment needed for the child.

  • Outdoors - the nursery will adapt the furniture indoors as needed for the specific child. The nursery has wheelchair access and a disabled toilet. Staff will use any equipment needed for the child.

  • Trips out of the setting - Trips are planned to accommodate each child’s needs and any equipment that the child requires will be used.

Are your staff DBS Approved?
Do you have a First Aid Policy?
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?
Recognised as:
  • 2 Year Old Early Education Provider
  • 30 Hours Free Childcare Provider
  • Tax Free Childcare Provider
  • 3 and 4 Year Old Early Education Provider