Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Rainbow Day Nursery School Ltd

Rainbow Day Nursery School provides the highest quality care within a loving family environment. Throughout the years the nursery has earned an exceptional reputation, supported by a dedicated childcare team, who strive to maintain and constantly seek to improve. All children are charged a set daily fee which includes freshly cooked healthy meals and snacks, made on the premises. As a Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage. This endeavours to ensure your child receives the best possible start to their learning in a stimulating and encouraging setting. Within the nursery are three fully equipped rooms, two spacious ground floor gardens and a roof top garden in the baby unit. Within one of our ground floor gardens we have three beautiful beach huts, in which the children can explore and use to enhance their learning.
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Venue/Contact Details
14 Kingland Road
14 Kingland Road
BH15 1TP
See Journey Planner on right-hand side of this page, where you can view bus, car, and train routes from your location.
Childcare type
Day Nursery
Provision type
  • Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Overall limit on childcare numbers
Eligible to take 2, 3 & 4 year old entitlement
  • Car Parking
  • Separate Baby Room
  • Meals Provided
  • Outdoor Play Area / Garden
  • Refreshments / Snacks
  • Separate Sleeping Area
  • Visits and Outings
  • Wheelchair Accessible
Times and Costs
Opening times:
Monday 08:00-18:00, Tuesday 08:00-18:00, Wednesday 08:00-18:00, Thursday 08:00-18:00, Friday 08:00-18:00
  • All Year Round
Contact provider directly for costs
Other Costs:
£63.85 - Under 2s per day £60.05 2-3 years. £58.30 over 3 Charges only for 51 weeks of the year. 10% discount for eldest sibling.
Ages, Booking Details and Referral Information
From 0 years to 8 years
Referral route:
  • Self Referral
Referral process:
  • Initial contact should be made by either: Telephone/Email or Letter.
Vacancies and School Pick Ups / Drop Offs
Immediate vacancies
Vacancy information
Monday to Friday 8 vacancies per day
Number of vacancies
Ofsted URN
Last Inspection Judgement
Last Inspection Date
Religious and Additional Needs Provision
Additional needs supported:
  • Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulty
  • Eating Or Drinking
  • Medical Condition, including Allergies
Languages spoken
  • English
Religious / cultural provision:
No strong religious ethos
Special dietary provision
Vegetarian, Wheat free, Gluten free and Dairy free, Vegan.
SEND Local Offer SEND

What systems and strategies do you have in place to identify children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)?

Here at Rainbow Day Nursery School we understand the importance of being aware of signs to look for in children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and the actions to take to provide the right support and ensure as a setting we are meeting every child’s individual needs. Effective and sensitive steps are taken throughout the nursery to promote the welfare and development of all children in our care.

Throughout your child’s time at the nursery your child’s Key Person will complete a series of assessments brought together through daily observations which reflect the seven areas of development in the Early Years Foundation Stage. These assessment tools allow key practitioners to identify areas of children’s development which may require extra support.

The nursery has a dedicated Special Educational Needs Coordinator who is available to assist and guide practitioners and parents who raise concerns regarding children’s learning and development and will develop a plan with clear targets which will be reviewed on a regular basis.

All rainbow practitioners are conscientious, motivated and believe that building strong relationships with parents helps provide children with the best opportunities of meeting their full potential.

How will you support my child and how will you communicate effectively with me?

Rainbow Day Nursery School recognises that working in partnership with parents during your child’s most precious and formative years, allows for the maximum possible impact on your child’s learning and development.

Through our key person approach we aim to form a good relationship with you so that information regarding your child can be exchanged easily and comfortably creating an effective two-way channel of communication. Through this effective exchange in communication we aim to ensure that you are comfortable to raise any concerns regarding your child’s development at the earliest opportunity so that any appropriate support can be put into place from the very beginning.

Rainbow Day Nursery School has a named Special Educational Needs Coordinator who will be on hand to support you and your child. We will invite you to regular meetings where you will be included in the discussion making of next steps and aims to extend your child’s learning and development.

How will the teaching and learning be matched to my child’s needs?

At Rainbow Day Nursery we offer a curriculum that is individual, unique and values every child’s style of learning. The role of the key person allows for your child’s individual needs to be met through regular observation exploring your child’s interests and needs. The key person will be able to discover how your child prefers to learn and will use this information to assist and adapt activities to support your child.

Various strategies can be used to support the children for example, “visual timetable”, “flash cards”, “talking pen” “small group times” and “one to one” sessions.

How will you know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

Your child’s key person regularly records your child’s progress through observations and assessments which is shared with you by daily feedback, key person discussions and six monthly parents’ evenings. Your child’s progress is recorded in their learning folder which you can view on a regular basis.

All Rainbow staff are conscientious, motivated and believe that building strong relationships with parents helps provide children with the best opportunities of meeting their full potential. Staff are always available to discuss your child’s progress and development and will offer ideas of what to do at home to support your child’s development.

What support will you provide for my child’s overall wellbeing?

Rainbow Day Nursery School is an inclusive setting where all children are valued as individuals. We encourage parents to read our policies and procedures when joining our setting. The overall wellbeing of our children is of utmost importance and all practitioners within the setting adhere to the nursery’s polices and procedures.

Practitioners understand the need for a holistic approach and believe that children learn best when they feel happy and secure. We encourage children to develop their own ideas and interest as well as encouraging children to engage in positive interactions with other children and adults. In addition we encourage all our children to gain a growing sense of independence and choice.

Children’s voices and personal views are reflected though daily observations which are then reflected in the nursery’s planning. Our children’s well-being is paramount and we will adapt to each individual child’s needs.

What specialist services and expertise are available?

We work with all professional as required to support children’s individual learning and development needs and invite them to visit the setting to see children in their environment. With parental consent we can contact our area SENDCO who can support us further. We work closely with other early years professionals who come into our setting. You will also be involved in any meetings regarding your child and will receive copies of any written reports.

What training do you have or are you receiving to support children with SEND?

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinators attends termly inclusion meeting to continue to develop and update their knowledge. All practitioners are asked to complete at least 24 hours of training a year and will attend training which enables them to support individual children within the setting. All training sessions attended by practitioners are cascaded to all practitioners during monthly staff meeting.

How will you include my child in activities outside the setting, including trips?

We are very lucky to be surrounded by beautiful parks and amenities which provide children with opportunities to learn about the world around them and nature. Such activities will always be planned around children’s individual needs and abilities. Risk assessments are carried out to ensure that access is suitable for every child. Additional staff will be included if necessary.

How accessible and welcoming is your setting?

Rainbow Day Nursery is situated in two purpose built buildings joined together by our well-equipped sensory room. Our baby unit is situated on the first floor and has a roof top outdoor area and soft play. The nursery has two front doors one of which has a ramp to allow for wheelchair access. The nursery has two large outdoor gardens which are easily assessable from the main rooms.

All furniture and equipment is at the children’s level and toys and resources can be easily accessible for all children. Storage boxes are clearly labelled with pictures and text to enable any child who has little or no language to self-select their own resources.

How will you prepare and support my child to join the setting or to transfer to another setting/school?

As a nursery we recognise that transitions are a key time for any child. Using our key person approach your child’s key person will ensure that transitions are well planned and supported.

When your child first starts at the nursery the room supervisor will work with you to devise appropriate times for your child to settle into the nursery at their own pace. A series of short sessions will allow your child to experience the nursery without being overwhelmed.

Once you child has started at the nursery they will be assigned a key person, however at Rainbow we acknowledge that children form their own relationships over time and may bond with a particular staff member. Therefore we allow your child a few weeks to settle and naturally gravitate toward their own chosen member of staff before assigning them with their key person.

When your child transitions to another room their key person will work closely with your child’s new key person to relay and hand over all relevant information including your child’s interest and needs. During this time your child will have a range of settling in sessions into the next room to secure successful transitions.

When your child is ready to transition to school your key person will collect all relevant documents and forward these on to school. We encourage new teachers to come and visit your child in the setting to ensure a smooth transition takes place for all children. For further information please contact the nursery manager

How much support will my child receive and how are decisions made?

All decisions regarding the support necessary to meet the needs of your child will be made in consultation with you and other professionals as required.

Individual support plans can be put in place with agreed strategies and next steps for development to support your child; these will be reviewed on a regular basis.

The nursery’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator is available to assist and guide practitioners and parents who raise concerns regarding children’s learning and development

We will invite you to regular meetings where you will be included in the discussion making of next steps and aims to extend your child’s learning and development.

Who can I contact for further information about my child?

Once you child has started the nursery, your first point of contact will be your child’s key person or the nursery Special Educational Needs Coordinator. They will be able to offer guidance and signpost you to other professionals. We operate an open door policy and will always be available to discuss your child’s progress.

If you would like any further information regarding Rainbow Day Nursery School please contact us on 01202 673581 or email us on

What can I do if I’m not happy with your provision for my child?

Rainbow Day Nursery School believes that all children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and careful attention to their needs and wishes. As a reflective nursery we welcome suggestions on how we can improve our setting and will always aim to give prompt and serious attention to any concerns regarding the care we offer your child. We anticipate that most concerns or worries will be resolved quickly though an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If however this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set procedure for dealing with concerns which can be found in our policy folder or displayed in our main entrance hall. A copy of this procedure is also given to you in your transition pack during your first settling in session.

We aim to ensure that we bring all concerns to a satisfactory conclusion for all parties involved. In addition six monthly questionnaires are given out to parents to allow you to offer suggestions and improvements to ensure that the nursery continues to offer a high quality provision.

How can I arrange a visit to your setting? What is involved?

To enrol at Rainbow Day Nursery School we would invite you to attend a tour around the nursery to meet the staff and see the nursery. During this visit we aim to answer all of your questions and concerns.

As a nursery we understand that starting a new childcare setting can be an exciting but daunting time for both you and your child. Our main aim as a nursery is to ensure that both you and your child feel happy, secure and welcome. On deciding to take a place at Rainbow we operate a ‘settling in’ procedure which is supported with a welcome pack. We encourage you to come to our free pre-visits which are one hour long. You will get the chance to meet the staff in your child’s room, discuss your child’s needs and routine and fill in relevant paperwork. Short sessions allow your child to experience the nursery without being overwhelmed. Settling in session normally take place a month before your start date so we encourage parents to allow time for this.

When will the above information be updated?

All our policies and procedures are reviewed and updated annually to ensure that they meet regulations and legislation. Our local offer will be reviewed and updated in line with this.

Are your staff DBS Approved?
Do you have a First Aid Policy?
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?
Recognised as:
  • 2 Year Old Early Education Provider
  • 30 Hours Free Childcare Provider
  • Tax Free Childcare Provider
  • 3 and 4 Year Old Early Education Provider