How do you communicate with the parent / carer whose child has SEND?
Parents can arrange a visit to see the working environment. We use an online system to communicate to parents what their child has been doing whilst at the nursery (eyLog). This includes photographs and written observations linking to the areas of learning. Parents can also share what they have been doing at home with the setting through eyLog. The parent can email, phone or speak face to face if they are not happy with any aspects of the setting.
How do you help children settle into your setting?
We would arrange an initial meeting with the parent and SENDCO and the child’s needs will be discussed. The key person would also attend. If the child has attended another setting, then information would be gathered from them and any professionals involved to help ease the settling in.
The parent would meet with the key person on their first settling in session (1 hour) and this is an opportunity to discuss everything about the child. The second settling in session is 2 and a half hours, and the parent would be encouraged to leave the child for a short time. Our website and registration pack has all the information about roles of staff including our SENDCO. Jo Martin is our SENDCO and the Deputy Manager.
What help and support does your setting offer to children with SEND as they move rooms or move on to school?
The key person would relay all information regarding the child’s needs and development to the next room/ key person. If the child has an additional support worker, we would, where possible have the same member of staff move up with the child for continuity.
We would arrange a transition meeting with the child’s new setting/ school to discuss the child’s needs, development, prime areas, progress, interests, comforts, eating habits, etc.
How do you find out how each child likes to learn?
We ask the parents to complete an ‘All about me’ asking about interests and additional information about family and EAL so we can adapt our environment if necessary. We develop our curriculum based on what the children are interested in and create a child-led accessible environment.
We know how well the children are doing because we observe and record children’s learning, following their interest and plan in the moment. We assess their development against the age bands in the development matters to make sure they are meeting milestones. Those children who are below we put additional support in place, e.g. IEP, speech and language referral or discussions with SEND early years team / health visitor.
Inclusive practice / SEND training and expertise within this organisation
Our SENDCO (Deputy Manager) has extensive SEND experience and training. SENCO level 4, Elklan, Autism awareness level 2, PEC’s, PEIC-D, Attention Autism, WellComm assessment. She has also worked with a variety of children with complex needs. Many staff have completed Autism Awareness training. We have members of staff who give 1:1 additional support to children with additional needs, who have received training in WellComm, PEIC-D, PEC’s, Makaton, and speech and language.
The information in this SEND Local Offer was completed on 22/05/2024