Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Little Angels Nursery/Holiday Club

Little Angels Nursery offers a high quality learning environment for all 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Ofsted - November 2022 To read report, please go to
View all details
Venue/Contact Details
St Michaels Church Hall
St Michaels Church Hall
BH15 4HP
See Journey Planner on right-hand side of this page, where you can view bus, car, and train routes from your location.
Childcare type
Pre-School Playgroup
Provision type
  • Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Overall limit on childcare numbers
Eligible to take 2, 3 & 4 year old entitlement
  • Computers
  • Nappies Provided
  • Outdoor Play Area / Garden
  • Car Parking
  • Visits and Outings
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Accessible Toilet
  • Disabled Car Parking
  • Refreshments / Snacks
Times and Costs
Opening times:
Monday 07:45-15:00, Tuesday 07:45-15:00, Wednesday 07:45-15:00, Thursday 07:45-15:00, Friday 07:45-15:00
  • School Term Time Only
Contact provider directly for costs
Other Costs:
No registration fee or hidden extras funding entitlement for all 3 and 4 year olds funding for 2 year olds dependent on your own personal circumstances either 15 or 30 hours term time�
Ages, Booking Details and Referral Information
From 2 years to 10 years
Referral route:
  • Self Referral
Referral process:
  • Parents can reserve a place up to 6 months before start date�
Vacancies and School Pick Ups / Drop Offs
Vacancy information
Spaces available Monday-Friday Phone for details.
Number of vacancies
School pick ups / drop offs
  • Bayside Academy
  • Twin Sails Infant School and Nursery
  • Upton Infant School
Ofsted URN
Last Inspection Judgement
Last Inspection Date
Religious and Additional Needs Provision
Additional needs supported:
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulty
  • Eating Or Drinking
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Learning Difficulty
  • Medical Condition, including Allergies
  • Multi-Sensory Impairment
  • Social Communication Difficulty
  • Speech, Language & Communication Needs
  • Toileting & Hygiene
  • Visual Impairment
Languages spoken
  • English
Religious / cultural provision:
No strong religious ethos.
Special dietary provision
Vegetarian, Diabetic, Wheat free, Gluten free, Lactose free, Dairy free
SEND Local Offer SEND

How do you communicate with the parent / carer whose child has SEND?

Within the setting we offer an open-door policy. All parents can book an appointment to come in and visit or can pop in at time that is suitable for them. Parents will need to call and speak with the Nursery Manager Lynn Mitchell, who will arrange a visit to look at nursery and discuss any questions. If parents require to see us in action, they are more than welcome at any time; again we would book a time and date which is suitable for them. The SENCO for this setting is Liliana Vieira, and she is contactable through Little Angels Nursery.

Phone: 07837 303294,



All parents are welcomed into the setting with a nurturing nature, a member of staff awaits at the door to greet each parent. Parents can follow the signs into the nursery and when reaching the main door, they will see an inclusive board with a variety of pictures and languages to empower them. Upon starting each parent receives a welcome prospectus, to widen their knowledge of the setting. If the child is dropped off or collected via other family members the parents are also welcomed into the setting within the use of home partnership books to ensure communication between keyworker, SENCO and parents is consistent.

We communicate using:

  • Phone contact
  • Verbally
  • face to face
  • Facebook
  • Tapestry
  • Emails
  • Letters

All parents are empowered to contribute ideas, they can contact the Manager or Assistant Manager/SENCO to discuss their ideas through face to face, phone, Tapestry and email. We highly welcome any parental ideas and will be happy to try new ideas if appropriate. We encourage parents to feedback on a regular basis and annually through our parent’s questionnaire.

If the parent/carer has concerns within the provision they are supported to follow our complaints policy and procedure which all parents are encouraged to read when they start at the setting. Any parent who is uneasy about an aspect of the nursery are firstly encouraged to talk to the nursery manager regarding this. Secondly if they do not receive a satisfactory outcome, or the problem re occurs, the parent follows stage 2 of the policy which is to put the complaint or worry into writing which will be responded to within 28 days.

If the problem is still not resolved they are invited to meet with the manager to discuss the situation and a mediator will be present. Stage 5 is when the mediator has concluded their final investigation and there is a final meeting between the manager and parent/carer. If as a parent you are still concerned, please take the complaint or concern to Ofsted.

How do you help children settle into your setting?

When the child has formed an attachment with a specific staff member they will be assigned as their keyworker. Parents will be informed by letter and Tapestry, including a photograph and role description of their child’s keyworker. Parents are supported through continuous meetings to ensure they are aware of each professional’s role within their child’s development. Within the setting we have two qualified SENCO – Liliana Vieira, who is also Assistant Manager and Senior SENCO, and Tania Searle, who is Senior Level 3 Early Years Practitioner and Deputy SENCO. Lynn Mitchell the manager of the setting also has experience of working within Special Educational Needs settings; the practitioners can be contacted via email, phone, Tapestry and face to face contact daily.

What help and support does your setting offer to children with SEND as they move rooms or move on to school?

When a child with SEND is transitioning, both the child and their family will be supported through transition meetings, show rounds and open evenings. We also promote the new SENCO into visiting the child and the setting regularly to support the child and family individually.

Within the setting there are no separate room transitions because we are based in a church hall. However, with the small close working team we have, the child will be supported by practitioners from both groups from the start of their nursery journey to the end. When transitioning from one group to another, a new key person will be assigned, and observations\assessments completed to ensure children’s learning is developing. As we are a small based setting, parents are supported through: meetings, letters, consultations, emails, phone calls, visits and transition paperwork to promote smooth transitions to new settings. When children transition to a new setting, we promote a smooth and positive transition.

As a setting we ensure all funding, progress, development and support meetings are in place to ensure a positive transition. Parents are provided with their child’s learning e-journal and transition form for the new setting which includes tracking, child’s interests, child’s support and their routine to promote a home from home approach.

How do you find out how each child likes to learn?

When a child starts with us their keyworker observes, plans and tracks to identify where the child’s development is. If the child requires additional support, the SENCO will monitor and observe the child’s developmental areas to see what support or strategies would benefit the child either short term or for the long term. From this the SENCO will arrange a meeting to discuss the child and their development, in which techniques and support will be identified and discussed to ensure the child has the right to flourishment. If your child requires medicine or additional personal care needs; the SENCO is qualified in first aid training to provide medicine and additional care needs, the SENCO will be witnessed through another qualified staff member to ensure continuous support.

The child’s keyworker is responsible to plan and track the child’s next steps. The SENCO will oversee to ensure the child is empowered to succeed. All members of staff will work closely with each individual child; the SENCO will provide daily - weekly input depending on the needs of the individual child. Each practitioner has a role to safeguard, promote, encourage, care, plan and succeed each and individual child within the setting. All planning is completed upon an individual child approach, so each specific area of learning is tailored to the child and their individual developmental needs. Each child is tracked within each term or half term depending on their needs, next steps are provided each term.

Each child will be provided with fun and stimulating environment to learn and if additional support is needed we would use the Local Authority Area SENCO to ensure specific agencies, strategies and techniques are being provided. The SENCO will monitor the child individually on a daily basis to ensure the child is supported to achieve holistically.

As a SENCO setting we work with all outside agencies such as:

  • SALT
  • Portage
  • Health visitors
  • Child development centres
  • Paediatricians
  • Children’s social teams.

All decisions are made for upon the child’s best interests and with the child and families’ support. All parents and carers are promoted to contribute within the process through continuous contact and support. We use the graduated response to ensure all children with a higher level of SEND are supported through an inclusive approach. The SENCo would ensure all decisions are discussed with the family, agencies and child to respect and promote their views and voice. When referring to other agencies the parents will be invited for a meeting to discuss the referral process and complete the local authority referral forms.

Parents are always invited into the setting to ensure their views are included and promoted, supporting any questions or queries they may have to ensure the work is effective for the child and their family. We are committed to involve parents in the following ways:

  • An open door policy for all parents
  • Up to date website
  • Sharing up to date records on children’s development
  • Providing termly summary of children’s achievements and their next steps.

Inclusive practice / SEND training and expertise within this organisation

Within the setting we have two SENCO that completed the Local Authority SENCO course in 2019. The assistant manager/SENCO is qualified as an Early Years Teacher and holds a master’s degree in early years and primary education. Within our setting team, the manager has a variety of experience and training courses, such as behaviour management, and holds a foundation degree.

We have a deputy SENCO who steps up to take the role when our SENCO is not present, also qualified to level 3 early years practitioner. We have access to different professionals who can support us when needed, these include area SENCO, SALT, occupational health and health visitors. Our team is committed to continuous professional development to further develop their skills.

All children are supported with tailored equipment to ensure inclusion. The environment is designed to ensure all children have the right to enjoy, participate and achieve individually. When attending trips, outdoors and indoors all risk assessments are completed to promote the safety of each individual child and an inclusive practice.

The information in this SEND Local Offer was completed November 2020.

Are your staff DBS Approved?
Do you have a First Aid Policy?
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?
Recognised as:
  • 2 Year Old Early Education Provider
  • 30 Hours Free Childcare Provider
  • Tax Free Childcare Provider
  • 3 and 4 Year Old Early Education Provider