How do you communicate with the parent / carer whose child has SEND?
We are a small setting and always allow time for parents to speak to key workers or deputy/manager at drop off and pick up. We use Tapestry online learning journal to communicate with parents to show activities that their child has been doing. At least every term you child has a ‘Focus Week’ where in depth observations take place. This is also recorded on Tapestry and followed up with an in person or telephone consultation. We encourage parents to contribute information and photos on Tapestry to help with a two-way communication with the setting.
How do you help children settle into your setting?
Once a child has begun to settle into the setting, they will be allocated a ‘key person’. This is someone that the child has made a connection with and will be the main point of contact for parents. Our settling in procedure is lead by the parents and child and we work with both to adopt the best process to enable the child to settle as quickly and happily as possible. We have a setting SENCO who oversees the children and helps the key workers at the setting.
What help and support does your setting offer to children with SEND as they move rooms or move on to school?
We are a small setting so children are not split into different rooms, all ages mix together. We have very positive relationships with the local school and communicate regularly with the SENCO at the school. All information and documents relating to children with SEND are transferred early to the school to enable to school to prepare and discuss with us. Transfer documents, all SEND documentation and the child’s Tapestry account are sent to the school.
How do you find out how each child likes to learn?
All children at the setting have their progress tracked in line with the EYFS. We regularly discuss with parents as to children’s likes and interests. The ‘Focus Week’ gives an opportunity to plan specific activities around the child’s likes and interests to help with tracking and children’s next steps in development. As a setting we focus on the whole child particularly the three main areas of personal social and emotional, communication and language and physical development.
Inclusive practice / SEND training and expertise within this organisation
At the setting the manager is qualified as an Early Years Professional and the whole team are qualified to level 3. We have two members of staff that have completed their SEND training and currently have a team member completing the Elklan speech and language training.
The information in this SEND Local Offer was completed on 05/05/2021