How do you communicate with the parent / carer whose child has SEND?
Meetings before a child starts Catch ups at the end of a session Meetings during the session. Joint meetings with other professionals Meeting with parents to discuss IEP and listen to their wishes/concerns
How do you help children settle into your setting?
Settling sessions, which are open to discussion with parents, to work out each individual child’s needs. Gather information from parents and other professionals, to have as much knowledge as possible to be able to support each child. Use specific communication for children e.g visual timetables, PECS, signing.
What help and support does your setting offer to children with SEND as they move rooms or move on to school?
We have good relationships with local schools and would organise sessions for teachers to come in or a member of the team would visit school, with the child. SEN children have a personal passport completed, with as much up to date information, as possible. Transition meetings are held, with parents and teachers.
How do you find out how each child likes to learn?
Gather knowledge from parents, observe the child, listen to other professionals, try a range of activities and strategies, recording them and using what works to try new things.
Inclusive practice / SEND training and expertise within this organisation
SENCO training, PEIC-D, Makaton, PECS, Portage, Elklan
The information in this SEND Local Offer was completed on 22/10/20