How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?
We believe everyone has the right to education, so we take a high-quality school environment and deliver it via the internet. Nisai is entirely dedicated to supporting students with special educational needs. Nisai is a Section 41 Approved Provider which allows us to be listed as an educational provider on any Educational Health and Care Plan. Nisai also has a direct EFA High Needs Contract which makes it simpler for students who require additional funding and meet the entry requirements.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child's young person's needs?
We discuss the curriculum for your child in conjunction with parents, the commissioning school and any local authority involved.
How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?
We provide parent's with access to NISIMS, our monitoring system that allows you to track your student's attendance, behaviour, progress and assignments for each lesson. In addition we have a designated team to support our learners and their families.
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have had or are having?
All of our teaching staff are qualified teachers and trained to support students with SEN.