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Tax-Free Childcare is a government scheme which helps families with childcare costs.
Tax-Free Childcare is a government scheme for children aged 0 to 11 years or, up to 17 years if the child is disabled, that helps you save money on the cost of approved childcare.
For every £8 you pay your childcare provider, the government pays £2, up to £2,000 per child per year, or £4,000 if your child is disabled.
For school age children, you can get help paying for childcare outside of school hours, such as breakfast and after school clubs, holiday schemes and childminders providing care before or after school or in school holidays ('wraparound childcare').
Visit Childcare Choices for information on how to use Tax-Free Childcare.
Eligibility for Tax-Free Childcare depends on:
To continue getting the top up, you'll need to confirm your details are up to date every three months.
Visit GOV.UK for full details of eligibility criteria for Tax-Free Childcare.
Visit GOV.UK to apply for Tax-Free Childcare or call 03001 234097.
If you're eligible you'll get an online childcare account. You and your partner cannot both have accounts for the same child.
Tax-Free Childcare can't be used with Childcare Vouchers, Universal Credit or Tax Credits.
Which scheme you’re better off with will depend on your situation. Use the childcare calculator to work out which type of support is best for you.
If you're in receipt of Tax Credits you can choose not to apply for Tax-Free Childcare and retain your Tax Credits.
The Family Information Directory has details of childcare providers in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
Visit the childcare page to search for providers including
Your chosen provider must have signed up to receive Tax-Free Childcare payments. Those who have already done this can be identified from the 'T.F.C Registered' logo on their directory record.
If you need help finding childcare or have any questions, contact the Family Information Service on 01202 093131 or email