Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Get help to buy reusable nappies

Reusable nappies are a great alternative to disposal nappies.

Even if you use a combination of reusable nappies and disposables, you'll save money.

We can help

At first, it can be expensive to buy the reusable nappies and that puts some parents off. We may be able to help you with the initial investment.

You can get £30 off when you spend a minimum of £45 on reusable nappies or apply for a reusable nappy start up kit.

  • apply for a £30 voucher before you buy the nappies
  • claim £30 cash back after buying the nappies (you will need to have an itemised receipt), or
  • apply for a reusable nappy start up kit.

BCP Council is working with local retailers to offer a discount start up kit to BCP Council residents. You can choose to receive one of 4 discount packs which would normally retail between £68 and £100. 

You can find out more of what start up kits are available.

Terms and conditions

To get your voucher, cashback or start up kit, you need to meet these criteria:

  • your baby must be aged 18 months or under when you apply.
  • you can only claim once for each baby
  • for the voucher or cashback, you must spend at least £45 in one purchase on reusable nappies, reusable nappy products (liners, outer wraps, solutions, nappy bucket) or reusable nappy laundry services (not applicable for the start up kit)
  • to prove you live in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole, we’ll ask you to send in a photocopy of your Council Tax Statement and a photocopy of your baby’s birth certificate or the MAT B1 form
  • for cashback, you need to provide proof of purchase by sending in a photocopy of the itemised receipt within 6 months of purchase (not applicable for the voucher or start up kit).
  • applications submitted for older children with an existing medical condition will be considered on a case by case basis.