Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

HAF information for parents and carers

The future of the HAF Programme

The DfE has confirmed the continuation of the HAF Programme for 2025/26 and have issued the following statement.

'We are delighted that children up and down the country will continue to be able to take part in the amazing activities that you work so tirelessly to put on during the holidays.

Our next steps will be to share individual LA allocations with you. This will happen in the next few weeks alongside the HAF guidance. As with previous years, we are using the same funding methodology to determine funding amounts for each LA which will be based on the number of FSM pupils and is taken from the most recent School Census data.

Thank you for your patience as we sought to confirm funding.  We are really looking forward to working with you on a successful 25/26.'

HAF – Information about the Programme

The Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) provides children from reception year to age 16 who are in receipt of benefits-related free school meals with:

  • funded easter, summer and Christmas holiday activities
  • a meal whilst at the activity
  • nutritional education

The programme also provides signposting to support services for families of the children attending the programme.

The programme aims to help children and young people:

  • eat more healthily
  • be more active
  • take part in engaging and enriching activities, which support the development of resilience, character, well being and wider education attainment
  • reduce social isolation
  • learn about health and nutrition
  • be more engaged with school and other local services

SPARKS, our media HAF club has produced a promo video to showcase HAF around BCP!

The HAF offer

HAF funded places are available to children in reception year at school up to age 16, who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals.

Eligible children are entitled to the equivalent of six weeks HAF provision across the easter, summer and christmas holidays.

Over easter - participating children can benefit from a week of provision, which should be for a minimum of four days, with each day consisting of at least four hours of provision.

Over summer - participating children can benefit from four weeks provision, which should be for a minimum of 16 days, with each day consisting of at least four hours of provision.

Over christmas - participating children can benefit from a week of provision, which should be for a minimum of four days, with each day consisting of at least four hours of provision.

A child or young person does not have to use their full entitlement.

Activities available this Easter

Activities for the Easter holidays will appear here when available. 

Please contact the provider directly to book a place.

Community food support

BCP Council has created an Access to Food Map showing community food support available throughout Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

The map provides information on community meals, cooked meal delivery and cooking workshops, as well as foodbanks and social supermarkets. You can view the map here.

Useful Websites