Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


The following information has been gathered to provide tips and advice to encourage improved quality of sleep that you may want to try at home.

If you would like to seek further advice, please contact your health visitor if your child is 0 to 5, your school nurse if your child is school age or your GP to discuss further.


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Additional advice and resources

Tips and advice for good sleep - Healthier Together

Tips to help get to sleep and stay asleep for young people - Healthier Together

Cerebra Sleep Advice Service - (helpful sleep resources and guides specifically aimed at children with brain conditions)

Sleep advice for children with SEND – The Sleep Charity

Sleep and the older child – Institute of Health Visiting (a great summary of top tips)

NHS Health Sleep tips for children

Sleep and autism – National Autistic Society

Sleep advice for parents with disabled children - Family Lives

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The Sleep Clinic

The Sleep Clinic is run by ID-CAMHS for children with a diagnosed learning disability.

The clinic does not accept self-referrals from parents. Referrals can be made from health care professionals and social workers (this can be your GP or Paediatrician). For a referral to be accepted by The Sleep Clinic, sleep must be the main issue of concern.

Read about the Sleep Clinic here.

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