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The Equality Act 2010 describes disability as a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Pupils with disabilities should have the same opportunities as other pupils. Schools are not allowed to discriminate against them. Schools must provide help if pupils need it. They might have to make reasonable adjustments or provide auxiliary aids or services.
Reasonable adjustments are actions that help disabled pupils take part in school life. They could include:
Auxiliary aids and services are things or people that provide help for pupils, for example:
Schools should provide these if a pupil is at a disadvantage because of their disability.
All schools must have a written accessibility plan. The accessibility plan sets out how the school will improve things for disabled pupils by:
Schools must also make sure they consider the impact on pupils with a disability when making decisions. This is part of their public sector Equality Duty.
Some early years settings are part of a school, so they must follow the rules set out for schools.
Other early years settings and further education colleges must follow most of these rules. They don't have to write an accessibility plan. Instead they should make alterations if they are needed. This might mean removing or changing something in the building, or finding a way to avoid it.