Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Moving on in education (Preparing for Adulthood)

We want to support all young people to gain the knowledge, experience and skills that they require to enable them to live a happy and fulfilled life.

Moving on in education (Preparing for Adulthood)

For some this will mean staying at school for instance moving into 6th form, for others it might mean moving into further or higher education or college, and for others it may mean undertaking work based (vocational) training.

Preparation for leaving school

Whether you are changing school because you're moving house, or because the new school will be able to better support your SEND child or young person needs, there are some things to keep in mind so that services can help to organise what support is required before the young person moves.

You will need to ensure that the new school is aware of your child or young person's additional needs. This is so that support can be in place as soon as they start.

Transition days

Schools will arrange for all young people to visit their next placement before the end of the school year. This will help them to understand they are moving to somewhere new and feel more comfortable about the move.

Transition with an EHCP

An EHCP will need to be updated before a young person moves school, or moves within their existing school (this is also known as phase transfer), so that planning for the support they may need can start as soon as possible. The SEN team can help you with this this, as can the school or college.

EHCPs – Year 9 Preparing for Adulthood
  • In year 9 the Annual Review of the EHCP will focus on preparation and planning for the young person to move onto adult services and post 16 learning.
  • This means that there may be extra people attending the Annual Review in Year 9, so that discussions can take place about what the young person wants to do when they leave school
Who can help?

For those with SEND transition can feel quite challenging, but there are people in schools or colleges that can help them plan for this. The SENCO in schools or inclusion leads in colleges can help young people and families prepare to transition.

All schools must provide careers advice and guidance to young people to support them to understand and plan for their post 16 transition.

Useful Websites