Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our Co-Production Pledge


Our vision is that children, young people with SEND and their parent carers are empowered, valued and supported to meaningfully participate in improving services.


Professionals, parent carers and children and young people will share the power in the planning and delivery of services. We will make use of everyone’s skills, knowledge and contributions to achieve better outcomes.


  • can lead to better services that meet local needs
  • breaks down barriers between people who use services and professionals
  • recognises and develops existing skills and capabilities

Our commitment:

  • we will build capacity for co-production by increasing the knowledge, skills and confidence of everyone to work together.
  • children and young people will be involved in changes to services from the very beginning.
  • Parent Carers Together as the parent carer forum for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole will be involved in all discussions about the SEND Strategy and service design and development across Education, Health and Social Care. In addition, we are committed to wider co-production with parent/carers groups. We regularly work with Dorset Children’s Foundation, Parent Carer Foundation and SWAN UK, groups who worked with BCP and PCT to develop our co-production charters.
  • we will take co-production seriously by ensuring that there are accessible ways for people to come together at the right time as equal partners.

Co-production charter

BCP Council and NHS Dorset have worked with parents, carers, young people and children to produce co-production charters to explain how we will work together to make SEND better. We will continue to work together, to agree how the charters might be reviewed and updated:

We are asking all services for those with SEND, providers, settings, schools and colleges to sign this pledge to show your support to the values of co-production in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, and your commitment to embedding this in how you work – this could be a small change or a big change. Once you have signed the pledge, and with your permission, we will publish your name and role in this section of the Local OfferLocal OfferA local authority website resource that holds information on services and provision for children and young people with SEN and disabilities across education, health and social care and leisure. website.

Through some of our regular routes (such as newsletters and the SENDco Forum) we will also share information to support co-production in practice, enabling you to make some small but important changes. We are co-creating a practical guide for how to involve parents and carers in meetings/workshops, and will share how children and young people want to be involved (their charter).

Your data

When you sign the pledge, you are giving us consent to have your data for the purposes of the pledge.

We will use your email address as a way of contacting you for updates on how you are co-producing within your organisation.

BCP council will keep your details for the lifetime of the pledge. If you would like to opt out at anytime then please send an email to

We will not share your data with anyone else other than a small number of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council employees.

BCP Council will keep your information secure and only contact you for the purposes of the pledge.