Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
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You can find out about the health services available in the local area, including Doctor's Surgeries, Dentists, health clinics, mental health, sex and pregnancy and other specialist services in the community.

Tired Out is Family Fund's sleep support hub for families raising disabled and seriously ill children to find help and information about sleep issues. The hub is a website and was created ...

Tired Out Logo Image

01904 550055

We fund research into miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth, and provide pregnancy health information to parents. We believe it is unacceptable that one in four women lose a baby during ...

Nicholas House , 3 Laurence Pountney Hill , London , EC4R 0BB

Tommy's Logo Image

0800 0147800

Total Children's Therapy is a private practice based at the Poole Road Medical Centre, Bournemouth. The team is made up of experienced clinicians who are very used to working with ...

Poole Road Medical Centre , Poole Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH2 5QR

Total Children's Therapy Logo Image

01202 743674

Our mission at Twins Trust is to provide our families with the information and support they need to enable them to thrive. We raise awareness, invest in research and campaign ...

Manor House , Church Hill , Aldershot , Hants , GU12 4JU

Twins Trust Logo Image

0800 1380509

Unicef is the United Nations Program that provides long-term humanitarian aid and assistance to children in developing countries and runs the Rights Respecting Schools Programme in UK schools . ...

Unicef (The United Nations Children's Fund) Logo Image

0300 3305580

We are working to take the pain away from people living with all forms of arthritis and helping them to remain active. The website explains what arthritis is and how ...

Copeman House, St Mary's Court , St Mary's Gate , Chesterfield , Derbyshire , S41 7TD

Versus Arthritis Logo Image

0800 5200520 (helpline)

We Are With You (formerly Addaction) supports adults, children, young adults and older people to make positive behavioural changes. Whether that's with alcohol, drugs, or mental health and wellbeing, we're here ...

We Are With You , 67-69 Cowcross Street , London , EC1M 6PU

We Are With You Logo Image

We Are With You (formerly Addaction) is commissioned by BCP Council to support people experiencing issues with drugs and alcohol. Get in touch with our free, confidential service and talk ...

We Are With You Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Logo Image

01202 558855

Join us for our well baby drop-in clinic with the Health Visitor. ...
Well Baby Drop-In Clinic at Bourne Community Hub Logo Image
We have created a fantastic venue where therapists offering different therapies and classes can come together under one roof. The Wessex Health Network is home to a group of highly ...

Wessex Health Network , 17 Stour Road , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 1PL

Wessex Health Network Logo Image

01202 474477

Come along to our Community Fridge every Thursday and Friday. Simply come in and help yourself to anything - no referral needed, we are here for everyone and anyone! ...

, Cunningham Crescent , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH11 8DU

West Howe Community Fridge Logo Image

01202 580299

The Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association was formed in 2004 and aims to offer a range of services to ensure that deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people in Dorset ...

Wiltshire & Dorset Deaf Association (WDDA) , 25 Portman Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH7 6EU

Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association (WDDA) Logo Image

Nestled in the heart of Ashley Cross,Poole, we offer in-person and online therapy to those aged 11 plus. We are a creative team of innovative therapists who are trained in ...

, 123D Commercial Road , Ashley Cross , Poole , Dorset , BH14 0JD

WIRED Therapy Logo Image

01202 149011

We champion the latest and most authoritative scientific research from around the world on cancer prevention and survival through diet, weight and physical activity, so that we can help people ...

22 , Bedford Square , London , WC1B 3HH

World Cancer Research Fund Logo Image

02073 434205

A qualified Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher and Teacher Trainer with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology, I have been working privately as well as in special needs schools, referral units and ...

Yoga and Mindfulness as Therapeutic Intervention Logo Image

07941 172072

When a child is diagnosed with cancer it threatens everything, for them and their family. At a time when they should be busy being children, enjoying their rollercoaster teenage years ...

No1. Farriers Yard, Assembly London , 77-85 Fulham Palace Road , London , W6 8JA

Young Lives vs Cancer Logo Image

0300 330 0803

Young Minds are the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional well being and mental health of children and young people. We also provide expert knowledge to professionals, parents ...

Suite 11 Baden Place , Crosby Row , London , SE1 1YW

Young Minds Logo Image

0207 0895050