Working with families to provide the right support when it's needed

Baby's feeding and weaning - Start for Life

Feeding your baby can feel quite overwhelming at first – whether you are breastfeeding, bottle feeding or a combination of both. We have lots of guidance to support you, along with hints and tips from other parents.

There is a lot of evidence to show how beneficial it is to breastfeed your baby, especially in the early weeks. However, it can take time to get the hang of, and there may be reasons why you cannot breastfeed.

If you have any feeding worries or concerns, the best thing to do is speak to your midwife or health visitor.

Virtual weaning talks:

The community nursery nurses, within the health visiting teams, currently deliver online weaning sessions. To enquire about the next available session and book a space, please text ParentLine: 07312 277162 or call your local health visiting team.

Your local family hub can support you with breast pump hire, free sanitary products and nappy scheme.

If you have urgent concerns about the safeguarding of a baby or toddler please contact the Children's First Response team or if you have health concerns call 111.

Useful Websites