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What we will do
We will have the correct resources allocated to the wider SEND system. We will have the appropriate level of support from our service areas, corporate functions and partners to help develop a sustainable SEND service.
Our parents and carers have said:
“BCP Council needs to be honest with all stakeholders (including DfE and national government) about the funding required to provide for all the SEND needs of children and young people in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. BCP Council's SEND strategy and policy should always be child focused first and foremost, not money focused”.
Our actions to deliver this are to:
What will be different
Resources will be allocated appropriately to meet the needs of your child or young person.
Progress to date
Significant analysis has taken place of our spend which resulted in a detailed Safety Valve proposal to the Department for Education to try to cover the £65m overspend on this service. Although this proposal was not successful, the local authority is in further discussions with the Department for Education regarding it's next steps. Our plans are to increase earlier support for our SEND learners (through the creation of a £2.8m Inclusion Fund, utilising the contribution from schools), promote greater inclusion in our mainstream settings for SEND learners and where necessary have the right amount of specialist provision delivered through mainstream settings.
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