Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Apprenticeships, Internships and Traineeships

There are lots of different ways to continue learning and training. Some of the ways that young people can continue to learn and develop new skills does not require them to be in college or school all the time.

These include:

  • Supported Internships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Traineeships
  • Study Programmes

Find out more in the sections below. You can also read the Preparing for Adulthood Routes into Work Guide.

To apply for training programmes, contact the training provider.

If you have an EHCPEHCPA legal document that describes a child or young person's special educational, health and social care needs. It explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life., the Local AuthorityLocal AuthoritySometimes known as the council, a local authority is an organisation that is officially responsible for public services and facilities in a particular area. will approach the provider for you. If you do not have an EHCPEHCPA legal document that describes a child or young person's special educational, health and social care needs. It explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life. and want support, speak to your school or college SENCo or Inclusion Lead.


Traineeships are ideal for young people who are motivated to get a job, but who lack the skills and experience that employers are looking for.

Traineeship programmes are designed to prepare young people, 16 to 24 years old, for their future careers by helping them to become "work ready".

Details of local traineeship providers can be found in the website links section.

You can also use the find a traineeship search tool on GOV.UK.


An apprenticeship is a job with training and a qualification to aim for, you would earn a wage, develop your skills, update your CV and experience, and start on the career ladder.

As the apprenticeship is work based you need to be employed for a minimum of 30 hours per week and have time to study.

Details of local apprenticeship providers and courses can be found in the website links section. You can also use the find an apprenticeship search tool on GOV.UK.

Becoming an apprentice information and national help desk contact details

Find out more about apprenticeships here.

Study programmes

Study programmes are publicly funded learning programmes for 16 to 19 year olds or in the case of students who have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) 19 to 25 year olds.

They are based on a young person's prior attainment and are designed to meet clear, educational a career aspirations.

Supported Internships

Supported Internships are a structured study programme based primarily at an employer. They enable young people aged 16 to 24, with an EHCP, to achieve sustained paid employment.

Supported Internships are unpaid and last a minimum of six months.

National Careers Service information on supported internships

Accessible Guide to Supported Internships.

SWRAC provide local Supported Internship opportunities. Find out more here.

In addition to the very successful Classroom in the Heart of Industry (CHI) Programme that is delivered by the Linwood School, we have partnered with Project Search to increase the opportunities for Supported Internships in the local area.

Learning Support

Learning support is provided to students in college, school or university, who have additional learning needs or special educational needs.

Learning support may mean receiving additional help from a person, using certain types of equipment or having more time to complete work.

The ways in which schools and colleges provide learning support is shown in the Post 16 Graduated Response and Toolkit.

The BCP Council Supported Internship Programme

Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council’s supported internship programme is an exciting opportunity for young people aged 18 to 25 years with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Our internship model is aimed at students with an EHCP who have completed their formal education and are now looking to receive final support before they enter the world of paid employment.

Young people accessing the BCP Council supported internship programme attend tutor lead sessions hosted within BCP Council Civic Centre where they enhance and develop transferable employment skills. Alongside classroom-based work, the interns also work alongside BCP Council staff across a range of council departments, and they are supported during these placements by experienced job coaches.

The BCP Council supported internship programme takes place over the course of an academic year (September until July). Interns who graduate from the course may go on to apply for employment within BCP Council or they could choose to apply for work across the local area. Ongoing job coach support is offered as the interns transition into the world of employment.

Applications are open for the next cohort of supported interns to start in September 2024. 

Some key dates for application

  • Parents and Carers Information Event – Tuesday 29 April 2025
  • Young Person Assessment and Information Centre – Tuesday 20 May 2025
  • Summer Meet and Greet – Thursday 14 August 2025

Further information and contact details

Watch the video below if you would you like to know more about what our supported interns get up to.

Watch this video if you would like to hear positive feedback from managers who hosted our interns last year.

BCP Council are proud to be delivering this project with partner organisations DFN Project Search, SWRAC and  Discovery-UK. Further information about Project Search can be found at

For further information, please contact Helen Lewis, BCP Council’s Supported Internships Project Officer at

Useful Websites