Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
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Schools and education establishments

The local area has a wide variety of schools and education establishments. Use the filters to search.

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Ad Astra Infant School is located in Canford Heath, Poole, Dorset. The school is a three form entry school, from Reception to Year 2. Currently there are 270 children on roll. The ...

Sherborn Crescent , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8AP

Ad Astra Infant School Logo Image

01202 602113

AUB is the UK's top specialist art and design university offering high quality specialist education in art, design, media and performance across the creative industries. We remain one of the ...

Wallisdown , Poole , Dorset , BH12 5HH

01202 533011

At Aurora Boveridge College, we support young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who have additional social, emotional and mental health needs, which may include ASD, by preparing ...

Aurora Boveridge College , Cranborne , Wimborne , Dorset , BH21 5RT

Aurora Boveridge College Logo Image

01725 551247

Avonbourne Boy's Academy is dedicated to developing young men with active and creative minds, who retain a sense of compassion and respect for others whilst having the confidence and ambition to ...

, Harewood Avenue , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH7 6NY

Avonbourne Boys' Academy Logo Image

01202 398451

It is a happy all girls 11-16 college and part of a wider multi-academy trust. It is a supportive and aspiring school where we aim for every young woman to ...

, Harewood Avenue , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH7 6NY

Avonbourne Girls' Academy Logo Image

01202 398451

Inspiring wonder and intellectual curiosity. Avonwood Primary School is dedicated to preserving the wonder of childhood. Together with our community we wish to demonstrate that the values taught at home ...

Avonwood Primary School , Harewood Avenue , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH7 6NB

Avonwood Primary School Logo Image

01202 727910

We are extremely proud of our school, a large, busy, popular and thriving six form entry Junior School. Our last full inspection judged the school to be 'outstanding' and this ...

Mill Lane , Parkstone , Poole , Dorset , BH14 8UL

Baden Powell and St Peters CE Junior School Logo Image

01202 743280

Founded in 2012, BAMM (the Bournemouth Academy of Modern Music) provides higher education to musicians aged 16-19. Based within Absolute Music, one of the UKs leading retailers, BAMM is ready ...

Absolute Music Studios , Units 3-5 Knighton Heath Estate , 855 Ringwood Road , Bournemouth? , Dorset , BH11 8NE

BAMM (Bournemouth Academy of Modern Music) Logo Image

01202 133490

We are a successful, happy, popular and vibrant school where the well-being of every child really matters. This school is an integral part of a close-knit and caring community. We ...

Turlin Road , Hamworthy , Poole , Dorset , BH16 5AH

Bayside Academy Logo Image

01202 685459

Inspiring Learning for Life...Hope for the Future It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Bethany CE Junior School. We have the highest aspirations for all our pupils to ...

Bethany Church of England Junior School , Knole Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH1 4DJ

01202 393570

Throughout their time at our church school, children and adults learn about and experience God's love while gaining a real understanding of our school values both within the context of our ...

Bishop Aldhelm's CE VA Primary School , Winston Avenue , Branksome , Poole , Dorset , BH12 1PG

Bishop Aldhelm's CE VA Primary School Logo Image

01202 715100

The School, which was founded in 1901, is an over-subscribed grammar school for boys (with girls in the sixth form) serving Bournemouth and the surrounding area. The school's published admission ...

Bournemouth School , East Way , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH8 9PY

Bournemouth School Logo Image

01202 512609

With over 1100 girls, including 300 students in the sixth form, BSG is a dynamic and exciting community to work and learn in. We are committed to providing the very ...

, Castle Gate Close , Castle Lane West , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH8 9UJ

Bournemouth School For Girls Logo Image

01202 526289

Bournemouth University offers undergraduate, postgraduate, postgraduate research and short courses. Please visit the website for a full list of available courses. ...

Talbot Campus , Fern Barrow , Poole , Dorset , BH12 5HH

Bournemouth University Logo Image

01202 961916

At Broadstone First School, we believe the purpose of education is to provide everyone with varied opportunities to inspire them to realise their potential. We aim to celebrate differing needs, ...

Broadstone First School , Tudor Road , Broadstone , Dorset , BH18 8AA

Broadstone First School Logo Image

01202 694376

Broadstone Middle school is committed to success. With our newly formed sponsorship under the Castleman Academy Trust, with Broadstone First School, that resolve has been strengthened. The vision is to ...

Dunyeats Road , Broadstone , Poole , Dorset , BH18 8AE

Broadstone Middle School Logo Image

01202 696121

Brockenhurst College provides a range of courses including A levels, GCSE's, Apprenticeships, vocational courses and Higher Education programmes. It is committed to providing the highest quality Sixth Form education and maintains ...

, Lyndhurst Road , Brockenhurst , Hampshire , SO42 7ZE

01590 625555

Burton CE Primary School is a very happy school with enthusiastic children and a thoroughly professional and dedicated team of staff. Our community of children, staff, parents and governors value ...

Burton CE Primary School , Campbell Road , Burton , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 7JY

01202 482588

Cambian Wing College is a specialist further education college, offering day and 38-52 week residential placements for young people aged 16-25 with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning Autism. Many of our ...

Cambian Wing College , 126 Richmond Park Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH8 8TH

Cambian Wing College Logo Image

0161 5073723

Canford Heath Infant School is a large infant schools with over 350 children, aged 4 years to 7 years, currently on roll. The school is located to the north of ...

Learoyd Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8PJ

Canford Heath Infant School Logo Image

01202 380015

Welcome to Canford Heath Junior School! We are a Rights' Respecting school which promotes lifelong learning, creativity and respect for all our pupils and staff. Recognised by OFSTED in November ...

Canford Heath Junior School , Learoyd Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8PJ

Canford Heath Junior School Logo Image

01202 676393

Prayer is an important part of our daily routine and we regularly gather together for worship as a class group, year group, key stage or whole school group each week. ...

Christ The King Catholic Primary School , Durdells Avenue , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH11 9EH

01202 574277

At Christchurch Infant School we aim to educate children and help them to grow up to lead safe, happy, healthy and successful lives. Pastoral care available - Individual schools have ...

Christchurch Infant School , Addiscombe Road , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 2AE

Christchurch Infant School Logo Image

01202 485851

CJS is a thriving community of over 550 children and adults where we aim to develop motivated young learners with the confidence, skills, attitudes and qualities to realise their full ...

, Clarendon Road , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 2AA

Christchurch Junior School Logo Image

01202 485579

Christchurch Learning Centre is a maintained Pupil Referral Unit which provides education for those pupils who have been permanently excluded from mainstream school or are unable to sustain a full-time place ...

Christchurch Learning Centre , 29 Stour Road , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 1PJ

Christchurch Learning Centre Logo Image

01202 471410